Başlangıçtan Günümüze Marvel Evreni (Okuma Sırasına göre)


Çeviri & Balonlama
5 Ara 2016

FF Vol 2 #14
Iron Man Vol 5 #18
Iron Man Vol 5 #19
Iron Man Vol 5 #20
Iron Man Vol 5 #21
Iron Man Vol 5 #22
Uncanny X-Men Vol 3 #14
Daredevil Vol 3 #33
Captain Marvel Vol 7 #17
Nova Vol 5 #10
Cable and X-Force #16
Amazing X-Men Vol 2 #1
Amazing X-Men Vol 2 #2
Amazing X-Men Vol 2 #3
Amazing X-Men Vol 2 #4
Amazing X-Men Vol 2 #5
Young Avengers Vol 2 #12
Young Avengers Vol 2 #13
Wolverine and the X-Men #38
Scarlet Spider Vol 2 #24
Uncanny Avengers #14
Superior Spider-Man #21
All-New X-Men #18
Hawkeye Vol 4 #14
Fearless Defenders #11
X-Men Vol 4 #7
X-Men Vol 4 #8
X-Men Vol 4 #9
A + X #14 (Superior Spider-Man + Magneto)
Avengers A.I. #6
Marvel Knights: X-Men #1
Marvel Knights: X-Men #2
Marvel Knights: X-Men #3
Marvel Knights: X-Men #4
Marvel Knights: X-Men #5
Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe #1
Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe #2
Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe #3
Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe #4

Indestructible Hulk #16
Uncanny X-Men Vol 3 #15.INH
Deadpool Annual Vol 3 #1
Superior Spider-Man #22
Superior Spider-Man #23
Superior Spider-Man #24
Superior Spider-Man #25
Savage Wolverine #12
Savage Wolverine #13
All-New X-Men #19
The Superior Foes of Spider-Man #5
Superior Spider-Man Annual #1

FF Vol 2 #15
FF Vol 2 #16 first story
Amazing Spider-Man #700.1
Amazing Spider-Man #700.2
Amazing Spider-Man #700.3 first story
Amazing Spider-Man #700.4 first story
Amazing Spider-Man #700.3 back up (Black Cat)
Amazing Spider-Man #700.4 back up (Casey Mitchell)
Amazing Spider-Man #700.5 first story
Amazing Spider-Man #700.5 second story
Avengers Vol 5 #24.NOW
Daredevil Vol 3 #34
Indestructible Hulk #17.INH
Indestructible Hulk #18
Indestructible Hulk #19
Indestructible Hulk #20
Iron Man Vol 5 #20.INH
New Avengers Vol 3 #13.INH
Inhumanity #1
Inhumanity #2
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 #9
Mighty Avengers Vol 2 #4.INH
Mighty Avengers Vol 2 #5.INH
Secret Avengers Vol 2 #11
Avengers Assemble Vol 2 #21
Avengers Assemble Vol 2 #22.INH
Avengers Assemble Vol 2 #23
Avengers Assemble Vol 2 #24
Avengers Assemble Vol 2 #25
Nova Vol 5 #11
Cable and X-Force #17
Deadpool Vol 3 #20
Thunderbolts Vol 2 #19
Wolverine and the X-Men #39
Secret Avengers Vol 2 #12
Secret Avengers Vol 2 #13
Secret Avengers Vol 2 #14
Secret Avengers Vol 2 #15
Secret Avengers Vol 2 #16
Scarlet Spider Vol 2 #25
Uncanny Avengers #15
All-New X-Men #20
Fearless Defenders #12
A + X #15 (Doctor Strange + The Beast)
Avengers A.I. #7.INH
Inhumanity: The Awakening #1
Inhumanity: The Awakening #2
Deadpool Vol 3 #21
Deadpool Vol 3 #22
Deadpool Vol 3 #23
Deadpool Vol 3 #24
Deadpool Vol 3 #25.NOW
Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #8
The Superior Foes of Spider-Man #6
Indestructible Hulk Annual #1

All-New Invaders #1
All-New Invaders #2
All-New Invaders #3
All-New Invaders #4
All-New Invaders #5
New Warriors Vol 5 #1
Fantastic Four Vol 4 #16 second story
FF Vol 2 #16 second story
Uncanny X-Men Vol 3 #16
Avengers Vol 5 #25
Daredevil Vol 3 #35
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 #10
Nova Vol 5 #12
Cable and X-Force #18
Uncanny X-Force Vol 2 #16
Cable and X-Force #19
Uncanny X-Force Vol 2 #17
All-New X-Factor #1
All-New X-Factor #2
Thunderbolts Vol 2 #20.NOW
Thunderbolts Vol 2 #21
Thunderbolts Vol 2 #22
Black Widow Vol 5 #1
Young Avengers Vol 2 #14
Young Avengers Vol 2 #15
Wolverine and the X-Men #40
Uncanny Avengers #16
All-New X-Men #21
Hawkeye Vol 4 #15
Avengers World #1
Avengers World #2
Deadpool: The Gauntlet Infinite Comic #1
Deadpool: The Gauntlet Infinite Comic #2
Deadpool: The Gauntlet Infinite Comic #3
Deadpool: The Gauntlet Infinite Comic #4
Deadpool: The Gauntlet Infinite Comic #5
Deadpool: The Gauntlet Infinite Comic #6
Deadpool: The Gauntlet Infinite Comic #7
Deadpool: The Gauntlet Infinite Comic #8
Deadpool: The Gauntlet Infinite Comic #9
Deadpool: The Gauntlet Infinite Comic #10
Deadpool: The Gauntlet Infinite Comic #11
Deadpool: The Gauntlet Infinite Comic #12
Deadpool: The Gauntlet Infinite Comic #13
Inhumanity: Superior Spider-Man #1
A + X #16 (The Amazing Spider-Man + Psylocke)
Revolutionary War: Alpha #1
Revolutionary War: Dark Angel #1
Revolutionary War: Knights of Pendragon #1
Revolutionary War: Death's Head II #1
Revolutionary War: Supersoldiers #1
Revolutionary War: Motormouth #1
Revolutionary War: Warheads #1
Revolutionary War: Omega #1
Avengers A.I. #8.NOW
All-New Marvel NOW! Point One #1.NOW (Loki)
All-New Marvel NOW! Point One #1.NOW (Silver Surfer)
All-New Marvel NOW! Point One #1.NOW (Tanalth)
All-New Marvel NOW! Point One #1.NOW (Black Widow)
All-New Marvel NOW! Point One #1.NOW (Ms. Marvel)
All-New Marvel NOW! Point One #1.NOW (Avengers)
Black Widow Vol 5 #2
Hawkeye Vol 4 #16
Superior Spider-Man #26
Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #9
Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #10
Superior Spider-Man #27.NOW
Superior Spider-Man #28
Superior Spider-Man #29
Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #11
Superior Spider-Man Annual #2 first story
Superior Spider-Man #30
Superior Spider-Man #31
All-New X-Men #22.NOW
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 #11.NOW
All-New X-Men #23
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 #12
All-New X-Men #24
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 #13

Fantastic Four Vol 5 #1
Fantastic Four Vol 5 #2
Fantastic Four Vol 5 #3
Fantastic Four Vol 5 #4
Fantastic Four Vol 5 #5
Thor: God of Thunder #19.NOW
Thor: God of Thunder #20
Thor: God of Thunder #21
Thor: God of Thunder #22
Thor: God of Thunder #23
Thor: God of Thunder #24
Uncanny X-Men Vol 3 #17
Avengers Vol 5 #26
New Avengers Vol 3 #14
Daredevil Vol 3 #36
Nova Vol 5 #13.NOW
Ms. Marvel Vol 3 #1
Ms. Marvel Vol 3 #2
Ms. Marvel Vol 3 #3
Ms. Marvel Vol 3 #4
Ms. Marvel Vol 3 #5
She-Hulk Vol 3 #1
X-Force Vol 4 #1
All-New X-Factor #3
Punisher Vol 10 #1
Wolverine Vol 6 #1
Wolverine Vol 6 #2
Wolverine Vol 6 #3
Wolverine Vol 6 #4
Black Widow Vol 5 #3
Mighty Avengers Vol 2 #6
Wolverine and the X-Men #41
Uncanny Avengers #17
X-Men Vol 4 #10.NOW
X-Men Vol 4 #11
X-Men Vol 4 #12
The Superior Foes of Spider-Man #7
The Superior Foes of Spider-Man #8
The Superior Foes of Spider-Man #9
Avengers World #3
Loki: Agent of Asgard #1
A + X #17 (Iron Man + Broo)
Avengers A.I. #9
Punisher Vol 10 #2
All-New X-Factor #4
Mighty Avengers Vol 2 #7
Wolverine and the X-Men #42
Iron Man Annual Vol 2 #1 first story
Superior Carnage Annual #1
Iron Man Annual Vol 2 #1 back up (Arno Stark)
Iron Man Annual Vol 2 #1 back up (Pepper Potts)

Uncanny X-Men Vol 3 #18
Avengers Vol 5 #27 first story
New Avengers Vol 3 #15
Daredevil Vol 4 #1
Silver Surfer Vol 7 #1
Captain Marvel Vol 8 #1
Captain Marvel Vol 8 #2
Captain Marvel Vol 8 #3
Captain Marvel Vol 8 #4
Captain Marvel Vol 8 #5
Captain Marvel Vol 8 #6
All-New Ghost Rider #1
All-New Ghost Rider #2
All-New Ghost Rider #3
All-New Ghost Rider #4
All-New Ghost Rider #5
Nova Vol 5 #14
Moon Knight Vol 7 #1
She-Hulk Vol 3 #2
She-Hulk Vol 3 #3
X-Force Vol 4 #2
Punisher Vol 10 #3
All-New X-Factor #5
New Warriors Vol 5 #2
X-Men: Legacy #300
Thunderbolts Vol 2 #23
Black Widow Vol 5 #4
Wolverine and the X-Men Vol 2 #1
Wolverine and the X-Men Vol 2 #2
Wolverine and the X-Men Vol 2 #3
Wolverine and the X-Men Vol 2 #4
Wolverine and the X-Men Vol 2 #5
Wolverine and the X-Men Vol 2 #6
Mighty Avengers Vol 2 #8
Secret Avengers Vol 3 #1
Secret Avengers Vol 3 #2
Uncanny Avengers #18.NOW
Uncanny Avengers #19
Uncanny Avengers #20
Uncanny Avengers #21
Uncanny Avengers #22
Hawkeye Vol 4 #17
Avengers World #4
Loki: Agent of Asgard #2
Magneto Vol 3 #1
A + X #18 (The Vision + Kitty Pryde)
Avengers A.I. #10
The Superior Foes of Spider-Man #10
Original Sin: Secret Avengers Infinite Comic #1
Original Sin: Secret Avengers Infinite Comic #2
Marvel Knights: Hulk #1
Marvel Knights: Hulk #2
Marvel Knights: Hulk #3
Marvel Knights: Hulk #4
Avengers Undercover #1
Avengers Undercover #2
Avengers Undercover #3
Avengers Undercover #4
Avengers Undercover #5
Iron Patriot #1
Iron Patriot #2
Iron Patriot #3
Iron Patriot #4
Iron Patriot #5
Superior Spider-Man Annual #2 back up (Wraith)
Iron Man Vol 5 #23.NOW
Iron Man Vol 5 #24
Iron Man Vol 5 #25
Iron Man Vol 5 #26
Iron Man Vol 5 #27
Iron Man Vol 5 #28
Uncanny X-Men Vol 3 #19.NOW
Uncanny X-Men Vol 3 #20
Uncanny X-Men Vol 3 #21
Uncanny X-Men Vol 3 #22
New Avengers Vol 3 #16.NOW
Nova Vol 5 #15
All-New X-Factor #6
Deadpool Vol 3 #26
Hawkeye Vol 4 #18

Hulk Vol 3 #1
Hulk Vol 3 #2
Hulk Vol 3 #3
Hulk Vol 3 #4
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 3 #1 first story
Avengers Vol 5 #28
New Avengers Vol 3 #17
Silver Surfer Vol 7 #2
Inhuman #1
Inhuman #2
Iron Fist: The Living Weapon #1
Iron Fist: The Living Weapon #2
Iron Fist: The Living Weapon #3
Iron Fist: The Living Weapon #4
Iron Fist: The Living Weapon #5
Iron Fist: The Living Weapon #6
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 #14 first story
Nova Vol 5 #16
Moon Knight Vol 7 #2
X-Force Vol 4 #3
Elektra Vol 3 #1
Elektra Vol 3 #2
Elektra Vol 3 #3
Elektra Vol 3 #4
Elektra Vol 3 #5
Punisher Vol 10 #4
All-New X-Factor #7
New Warriors Vol 5 #3
Deadpool Vol 3 #27 first story
Amazing X-Men Vol 2 #6
Thunderbolts Vol 2 #24
Black Widow Vol 5 #5
Mighty Avengers Vol 2 #9
All-New X-Men #25
X-Men Vol 4 #13 first story
X-Men Vol 4 #14
X-Men Vol 4 #15
X-Men Vol 4 #16
X-Men Vol 4 #17
Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #12
Avengers A.I. #11
The Superior Foes of Spider-Man #11 first story
Avengers World #5
Original Sin #0
Nightcrawler Vol 4 #1
Nightcrawler Vol 4 #2
Nightcrawler Vol 4 #3
Nightcrawler Vol 4 #4
Deadpool vs. Carnage #1
Deadpool vs. Carnage #2
Deadpool vs. Carnage #3
Deadpool vs. Carnage #4
Loki: Agent of Asgard #3
Magneto Vol 3 #2
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 3 #1 back up (Electro)
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 #14 second story
Deadpool Vol 3 #27 second story
X-Men Vol 4 #13 second story
X-Men Vol 4 #14 second story
X-Men Vol 4 #15 second story
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 3 #1 back up (Black Cat)
The Superior Foes of Spider-Man #11 second story
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 #14 third story
Deadpool Vol 3 #27 third story
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 3 #1 third story
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 3 #1 back up (Spider-Man 2099)
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 3 #1 fifth story
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 3 #1 back up (Clayton Cole)
Deadpool Vol 3 #27 fourth story
Deadpool Vol 3 #27 fifth story
Deadpool Vol 3 #27 sixth story
Deadpool Vol 3 #27 seventh story
Deadpool Vol 3 #27 eighth story
Deadpool Vol 3 #27 ninth story
Deadpool Vol 3 #27 tenth story
Deadpool Vol 3 #27 eleventh story
Deadpool Vol 3 #27 twelth story
Daredevil Vol 4 #2
X-Force Vol 4 #4
Wolverine Vol 6 #5
Thunderbolts Vol 2 #25
All-New X-Men #26
Avengers A.I. #12
Uncanny Avengers Annual #1

Amazing Spider-Man Vol 3 #2
New Avengers Vol 3 #18
Daredevil Vol 4 #3
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 #15
Nova Vol 5 #17
Moon Knight Vol 7 #3
She-Hulk Vol 3 #4
X-Force Vol 4 #5
Punisher Vol 10 #5
All-New X-Factor #8
Wolverine Vol 6 #6
Wolverine Vol 6 #7
New Warriors Vol 5 #4
Deadpool Vol 3 #28
Amazing X-Men Vol 2 #7
Thunderbolts Vol 2 #26
Black Widow Vol 5 #6
Cyclops Vol 3 #1
Secret Avengers Vol 3 #3
All-New X-Men #27
Avengers World #6
Original Sin #1
Mighty Avengers Vol 2 #10
Loki: Agent of Asgard #4
Magneto Vol 3 #3
Free Comic Book Day Vol 2014 #Guardians of the Galaxy
Free Comic Book Day Vol 2014 #Guardians of the Galaxy back up (Thanos)
Deadpool Vol 3 #29
Original Sin #2
Avengers Vol 5 #29
Avengers Vol 5 #30
Deadpool Annual Vol 3 #2
Thanos Annual #1
Magneto Vol 3 #4

All-New Invaders #6
Fantastic Four Vol 5 #6
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 3 #3
Avengers Vol 5 #31
New Avengers Vol 3 #19
Daredevil Vol 4 #4
Silver Surfer Vol 7 #3
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 #16
Nova Vol 5 #18
Moon Knight Vol 7 #4
She-Hulk Vol 3 #5
She-Hulk Vol 3 #6
X-Force Vol 4 #6
All-New X-Factor #9
Punisher Vol 10 #6
Wolverine Vol 6 #8
Wolverine Vol 6 #9
New Warriors Vol 5 #5
Deadpool Vol 3 #30
Deadpool Vol 3 #31
Deadpool Vol 3 #32
Deadpool Vol 3 #33
Amazing X-Men Vol 2 #8
Amazing X-Men Vol 2 #9
Amazing X-Men Vol 2 #10
Amazing X-Men Vol 2 #11
Amazing X-Men Vol 2 #12
Thunderbolts Vol 2 #27
Thunderbolts Vol 2 #28
Thunderbolts Vol 2 #29
Thunderbolts Vol 2 #30
Thunderbolts Vol 2 #31
Thunderbolts Vol 2 #32
Black Widow Vol 5 #7
Cyclops Vol 3 #2
Mighty Avengers Vol 2 #11
Mighty Avengers Vol 2 #12
The Superior Foes of Spider-Man #12
Secret Avengers Vol 3 #4
All-New X-Men #28
Original Sin #3
Original Sin #3.1
Original Sin #3.2
Original Sin #3.3
Original Sin #3.4
Avengers World #7
Loki: Agent of Asgard #5
Magneto Vol 3 #5
Original Sins #1 (Deathlok)
Original Sins #1 (Young Avengers)
Original Sins #2 (Young Avengers)
Original Sins #3 (Young Avengers)
Original Sins #4 (Young Avengers)
Original Sins #5 (Young Avengers)
Original Sins #1 (Lockjaw)
New Avengers Vol 3 #20
Silver Surfer Vol 7 #4
Punisher Vol 10 #7
Punisher Vol 10 #8
New Warriors Vol 5 #6
Original Sin #4
Avengers Undercover #6
Avengers Undercover #7
Avengers Undercover #8
Avengers Undercover #9
Avengers Undercover #10
Captain America Vol 7 #16.NOW
Captain America Vol 7 #17
Captain America Vol 7 #18
Captain America Vol 7 #19
Captain America Vol 7 #20
Captain America Vol 7 #21
Avengers World #8
Original Sins #2 (Black Knight)
Original Sins #2 (Howard the Duck)
New Avengers Annual Vol 3 #1

All-New Invaders #7
Fantastic Four Vol 5 #7
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 3 #4
Uncanny X-Men Vol 3 #23
Uncanny X-Men Vol 3 #24
Uncanny X-Men Vol 3 #25
Uncanny X-Men Vol 3 #26
Avengers Vol 5 #32
New Avengers Vol 3 #21
New Avengers Vol 3 #22
New Avengers Vol 3 #23
Daredevil: Road Warrior Infinite Comic #1
Silver Surfer Vol 7 #5
Inhuman #3
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 #17
Nova Vol 5 #19
Ms. Marvel Vol 3 #6
Ms. Marvel Vol 3 #7
Moon Knight Vol 7 #5
X-Force Vol 4 #7
All-New X-Factor #10
New Warriors Vol 5 #7
Storm Vol 3 #1
Black Widow Vol 5 #8
Cyclops Vol 3 #3
Secret Avengers Vol 3 #5
All-New X-Men #29
Hawkeye Vol 4 #19
The Superior Foes of Spider-Man #13
Avengers World #9
Original Sin #5
Original Sin #5.1
Original Sin #5.2
Original Sin #5.3
Original Sin #5.4
Original Sin #5.5
Magneto Vol 3 #6
Legendary Star-Lord #1
Spider-Man 2099 Vol 2 #1
Rocket Raccoon Vol 2 #1
Rocket Raccoon Vol 2 #2
Rocket Raccoon Vol 2 #3
Rocket Raccoon Vol 2 #4
Daredevil: Road Warrior Infinite Comic #2
Daredevil: Road Warrior Infinite Comic #3
Daredevil: Road Warrior Infinite Comic #4
Original Sins #3 (Lineage)
Original Sins #3 (JJJ)
All-New Invaders #8
Avengers Vol 5 #33
Avengers Vol 5 #34
Daredevil Vol 4 #5
Inhuman #4
All-New X-Factor #11
Secret Avengers Vol 3 #6
All-New X-Men #30
Avengers World #10
Original Sin #6
Magneto Vol 3 #7
Original Sins #4 (Gil Carmichael)
Original Sins #4 third story
All-New Invaders #9
All-New Invaders #10
Fantastic Four Vol 5 #8
Hulk Vol 3 #5
Hulk Vol 3 #6
Hulk Vol 3 #7
Hulk Vol 3 #8
Hulk Vol 3 #9
Hulk Vol 3 #10
Hulk Vol 3 #11
Hulk Vol 3 #12
Hulk Vol 3 #13
Hulk Vol 3 #14
Hulk Vol 3 #15
Hulk Vol 3 #16 first story
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 3 #5
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 3 #6
Daredevil Vol 4 #6
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 #18
All-New Ghost Rider #6
All-New Ghost Rider #7
All-New Ghost Rider #8
All-New Ghost Rider #9
All-New Ghost Rider #10
Nova Vol 5 #20
Moon Knight Vol 7 #6
She-Hulk Vol 3 #7
X-Force Vol 4 #8
All-New X-Factor #12
Punisher Vol 10 #9
Black Widow Vol 5 #9
New Warriors Vol 5 #8
Storm Vol 3 #2
Cyclops Vol 3 #4
Mighty Avengers Vol 2 #13
Mighty Avengers Vol 2 #14
Secret Avengers Vol 3 #7
Uncanny Avengers #23
All-New X-Men #31
Avengers World #11
Original Sin #7
Spider-Man 2099 Vol 2 #2
Superior Spider-Man #32 first story
Superior Spider-Man #33 first story
The Superior Foes of Spider-Man #14
Nightcrawler Vol 4 #5
Nightcrawler Vol 4 #6
Edge of Spider-Verse #1
Magneto Vol 3 #8
Legendary Star-Lord #2
Original Sins #5 (Nick Fury)
Original Sins #5 (LMD)
Thanos: The Infinity Revelation #1
Wolverine Annual Vol 6 #1

Fantastic Four Vol 5 #9
Fantastic Four Vol 5 #10
Fantastic Four Vol 5 #11
Fantastic Four Vol 5 #12
Fantastic Four Vol 5 #13
Daredevil Vol 4 #7
Wolverine and the X-Men Vol 2 #7
Wolverine and the X-Men Vol 2 #8
Wolverine and the X-Men Vol 2 #9
Original Sin #8
Wolverine Vol 6 #10
Wolverine Vol 6 #11
Wolverine Vol 6 #12 first story
Wolverine Vol 6 #12 back up (Marcus H. Harold)
Wolverine Vol 6 #12 back up (Max Moore)
Guardians of the Galaxy Annual Vol 2 #1

Thor: God of Thunder #25
Avengers Vol 5 #34.1
New Avengers Vol 3 #24
Daredevil Vol 4 #8
Captain Marvel Vol 8 #7
Captain Marvel Vol 8 #8
Inhuman #5
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 #19
Nova Vol 5 #21
Ms. Marvel Vol 3 #8
Ms. Marvel Vol 3 #9
Ms. Marvel Vol 3 #10
Ms. Marvel Vol 3 #11
Moon Knight Vol 7 #7
She-Hulk Vol 3 #8
She-Hulk Vol 3 #9
She-Hulk Vol 3 #10
X-Force Vol 4 #9
Elektra Vol 3 #6
Elektra Vol 3 #7
Punisher Vol 10 #10
All-New X-Factor #13
New Warriors Vol 5 #9
Deadpool Vol 3 #34
Storm Vol 3 #3
Black Widow Vol 5 #10
Cyclops Vol 3 #5
Secret Avengers Vol 3 #8
Savage Wolverine #23
All-New X-Men #32
X-Men Vol 4 #18
X-Men Vol 4 #19
X-Men Vol 4 #20
X-Men Vol 4 #21
X-Men Vol 4 #22
Hawkeye Vol 4 #20
The Superior Foes of Spider-Man #15
Avengers World #12
Legendary Star-Lord #3
Spider-Man 2099 Vol 2 #3
Loki: Agent of Asgard #6
Magneto Vol 3 #9
Hawkeye vs. Deadpool #0
Hawkeye vs. Deadpool #1
Hawkeye vs. Deadpool #2
Hawkeye vs. Deadpool #3
Hawkeye vs. Deadpool #4
Death of Wolverine #1
Death of Wolverine #2
Death of Wolverine #3
Death of Wolverine #4
Avengers Vol 5 #34.2
Avengers Vol 5 #35
New Avengers Vol 3 #25
Inhuman #6
All-New X-Factor #14
New Warriors Vol 5 #10
New Warriors Vol 5 #11
New Warriors Vol 5 #12
Deadpool Vol 3 #35
Avengers World #13
Deadpool Bi-Annual #1

All-New Invaders #11
Captain America Vol 7 #22
Captain America Vol 7 #23
Captain America Vol 7 #24
Captain America Vol 7 #25
Thor Vol 4 #1
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 3 #7 first story
Uncanny X-Men Vol 3 #27
Avengers Vol 5 #36
Daredevil Vol 4 #9
Silver Surfer Vol 7 #6
Inhuman #7
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 #20
Nova Vol 5 #22
Moon Knight Vol 7 #8
X-Force Vol 4 #10
Punisher Vol 10 #11
Storm Vol 3 #4
Black Widow Vol 5 #11
Cyclops Vol 3 #6
Secret Avengers Vol 3 #9
All-New X-Men #33
Avengers World #14
Bucky Barnes: The Winter Soldier #1
Spider-Man 2099 Vol 2 #4
Wolverine and the X-Men Vol 2 #10
Death of Wolverine: Deadpool & Captain America #1
Deadpool's Art of War #1
Deadpool's Art of War #2
Deadpool's Art of War #3
Deadpool's Art of War #4
Death of Wolverine: The Weapon X Program #1
Death of Wolverine: The Logan Legacy #1
Wolverine and the X-Men Vol 2 #11
Inhuman #8
Amazing X-Men Vol 2 #13
Legendary Star-Lord #4
Uncanny Avengers #24
Magneto Vol 3 #10
Uncanny Avengers #25
Avengers & X-Men: AXIS #1
Avengers & X-Men: AXIS #2
Magneto Vol 3 #11
Loki: Agent of Asgard #7
Avengers & X-Men: AXIS #3
AXIS: Hobgoblin #1
All-New X-Factor #15
Deadpool Vol 3 #36
AXIS: Carnage #1
AXIS: Revolutions #1 (Spider-Man)
AXIS: Revolutions #1 (Dr Strange)
Avengers & X-Men: AXIS #4
All-New X-Factor #16
AXIS: Hobgoblin #2
Captain America and the Mighty Avengers #1
Captain America and the Mighty Avengers #2
Captain America and the Mighty Avengers #3
Avengers & X-Men: AXIS #5
Nova Vol 5 #23
Superior Iron Man #1
Avengers World #15
Deadpool Vol 3 #37
Avengers & X-Men: AXIS #6
AXIS: Revolutions #2 (Sabretooth)
AXIS: Revolutions #2 (Caxton J Ford)
AXIS: Carnage #2
Magneto Vol 3 #12
Loki: Agent of Asgard #8
Wolverine and the X-Men Vol 2 #12
Nova Vol 5 #24
Avengers & X-Men: AXIS #7
AXIS: Revolutions #3 (NYPD)
AXIS: Revolutions #3 (Sandman)
All-New X-Factor #17
Deadpool Vol 3 #38
Inhuman #9
AXIS: Carnage #3
Amazing X-Men Vol 2 #14
Avengers World #16
Avengers & X-Men: AXIS #8
AXIS: Revolutions #4 (Iceheart)
AXIS: Revolutions #4 (Frantiszka Zeleny)
AXIS: Hobgoblin #3
Inhuman #10
Loki: Agent of Asgard #9
Avengers & X-Men: AXIS #9
All-New X-Factor #18
Deadpool Vol 3 #39
Nova Vol 5 #25
The Superior Foes of Spider-Man #16
Nightcrawler Vol 4 #7
Superior Iron Man #2
Thanos: A God Up There Listening #1
Thanos: A God Up There Listening #2
Thanos: A God Up There Listening #3
Thanos: A God Up There Listening #4
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 3 #8 first story
Avengers Vol 5 #37
X-Force Vol 4 #11
Spider-Man 2099 Vol 2 #5
Death of Wolverine: The Logan Legacy #2
Death of Wolverine: The Logan Legacy #3
Original Sin Annual #1
Free Comic Book Day Vol 2014 #Guardians of the Galaxy Spider-Man


Çeviri & Balonlama
5 Ara 2016

All-New Invaders #12
All-New Captain America #1
Thor Vol 4 #2
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 3 #9 first story
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 3 #9 back up (Inheritors)
Spider-Verse Team-Up #1 first story (Spider-Army)
Spider-Verse Team-Up #1 second story (Spider-Army)
Spider-Verse #1 first story (Spider Weaver)
Spider-Verse #1 second story (Spider-Man)
Spider-Verse #1 third story (Lady Spider)
Spider-Verse #1 fourth story (Spider-Man)
Spider-Verse #1 fifth story (Spider-Girl)
Spider-Verse #1 sixth story (Mary Jane Watson)
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 3 #10
Spider-Woman Vol 5 #1
Scarlet Spiders #1
Spider-Man 2099 Vol 2 #6
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 3 #11
Spider-Verse Team-Up #2 first story (Spider-Army)
Spider-Verse Team-Up #2 second story (Spider-Woman)
Scarlet Spiders #2
Spider-Woman Vol 5 #2
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 3 #12
Spider-Man 2099 Vol 2 #7
Spider-Verse #2 first story (Spider-Man)
Spider-Verse #2 second story (Anansi)
Spider-Verse #2 third story (Anarchic Spider-man)
Spider-Verse #2 fourth story (Aracnido Jr)
Spider-Verse #2 fifth story (Spider-Army)
Scarlet Spiders #3
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 3 #13
Spider-Woman Vol 5 #3
Spider-Verse Team-Up #3 first story (Spider- Army)
Spider-Verse Team-Up #3 second story (Spider-Girl)
Spider-Man 2099 Vol 2 #8
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 3 #14
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 3 #15
Uncanny X-Men Vol 3 #28
Avengers Vol 5 #38
New Avengers Vol 3 #26
Daredevil Vol 4 #10
Silver Surfer Vol 7 #7
Captain Marvel Vol 8 #9
Iron Fist: The Living Weapon #7
Iron Fist: The Living Weapon #8
Iron Fist: The Living Weapon #9
Iron Fist: The Living Weapon #10
Iron Fist: The Living Weapon #11
Iron Fist: The Living Weapon #12
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 #21
Moon Knight Vol 7 #9
X-Force Vol 4 #12
Elektra Vol 3 #8
Elektra Vol 3 #9
Elektra Vol 3 #10
Punisher Vol 10 #12
Storm Vol 3 #5
Black Widow Vol 5 #11
Cyclops Vol 3 #7
Secret Avengers Vol 3 #10
All-New X-Men #34
The Superior Foes of Spider-Man #17
Bucky Barnes: The Winter Soldier #2
Nightcrawler Vol 4 #8
Nightcrawler Vol 4 #9
Nightcrawler Vol 4 #10
Nightcrawler Vol 4 #11
Legendary Star-Lord #5
Rocket Raccoon Vol 2 #5
Death of Wolverine: The Logan Legacy #4
Death of Wolverine: The Weapon X Program #1
Death of Wolverine: Life After Logan #1 first story (Cyclops)
Death of Wolverine: Life After Logan #1 second story (Colossus)
Death of Wolverine: Life After Logan #1 third story (Armor)

New Avengers Vol 3 #27
Death of Wolverine: The Logan Legacy #5
Death of Wolverine: The Weapon X Program #2
All-New Invaders #13
All-New Captain America #2
Fantastic Four Vol 5 #14
Fantastic Four #642
Fantastic Four #643
Fantastic Four #644
Thor Vol 4 #3
Superior Iron Man #3
Uncanny X-Men Vol 3 #29
Avengers Vol 5 #39
New Avengers Vol 3 #28
Daredevil Vol 4 #11
Captain Marvel Vol 8 #10
Captain Marvel Vol 8 #11
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 #22
Moon Knight Vol 7 #10
X-Force Vol 4 #13
Punisher Vol 10 #13
Storm Vol 3 #6
Black Widow Vol 5 #13
Cyclops Vol 3 #8
Secret Avengers Vol 3 #11
Secret Avengers Vol 3 #12
Secret Avengers Vol 3 #13
Secret Avengers Vol 3 #14
Secret Avengers Vol 3 #15
Bucky Barnes: The Winter Soldier #3
Magneto Vol 3 #13
Legendary Star-Lord #6
Death of Wolverine: The Logan Legacy #6
S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol 3 #1
Death of Wolverine: The Weapon X Program #3
Spider-Man and the X-Men #1
Angela: Asgard's Assassin #1

Death of Wolverine: The Weapon X Program #5
Death of Wolverine: The Logan Legacy #7
Death of Wolverine: The Weapon X Program #4
Amazing Spider-Man Annual Vol 3 #1 first story
Uncanny X-Men Annual Vol 3 #1
All-New X-Men Annual #1
Avengers Annual Vol 5 #1
Amazing Spider-Man Annual Vol 3 #1 second story
Amazing Spider-Man Annual Vol 3 #1 third story
All-New Invaders #14
All-New Invaders #15
All-New Captain America #3
Ant-Man #1
Ant-Man #2
Ant-Man #3
Ant-Man #4
Ant-Man #5
Thor Vol 4 #4
Superior Iron Man #4
Uncanny X-Men Vol 3 #30
Avengers Vol 5 #40
New Avengers Vol 3 #29
Daredevil Vol 4 #12
Silver Surfer Vol 7 #8
Inhuman #11
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 #23
Nova Vol 5 #26
Moon Knight Vol 7 #11
She-Hulk Vol 3 #11
X-Force Vol 4 #14
All-New X-Factor #19
Punisher Vol 10 #14
Deadpool Vol 3 #40
Storm Vol 3 #7
Black Widow Vol 5 #14
Cyclops Vol 3 #9
Uncanny Avengers Vol 2 #1
Uncanny Avengers Vol 2 #2
Uncanny Avengers Vol 2 #3
Uncanny Avengers Vol 2 #4
Uncanny Avengers Vol 2 #5
All-New X-Men #35
X-Men Vol 4 #23
X-Men Vol 4 #24
X-Men Vol 4 #25
X-Men Vol 4 #26
Bucky Barnes: The Winter Soldier #4
S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol 3 #2
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #1
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #2
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #3
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #4
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #5
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #6
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #7
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #8
Loki: Agent of Asgard #10
Magneto Vol 3 #14
Captain America and the Mighty Avengers #4
Legendary Star-Lord #7
Rocket Raccoon Vol 2 #6
Spider-Man and the X-Men #2
Wolverines #1
Angela: Asgard's Assassin #2

All-New X-Factor #20
Deadpool Vol 3 #41
Legendary Star-Lord #8
Wolverines #2

Wolverines #3

Wolverines #4
All-New Captain America #4
Thor Vol 4 #5
Superior Iron Man #5
Uncanny X-Men Vol 3 #31
Daredevil Vol 4 #13
Silver Surfer Vol 7 #9
Silver Surfer Vol 7 #10
Captain Marvel Vol 8 #12
Captain Marvel Vol 8 #13
Inhuman #12
All-New Ghost Rider #11
All-New Ghost Rider #12
Nova Vol 5 #27
Ms. Marvel Vol 3 #12
Spider-Woman Vol 5 #4
Moon Knight Vol 7 #12
She-Hulk Vol 3 #12
X-Force Vol 4 #15
Punisher Vol 10 #15
Deadpool Vol 3 #42
Storm Vol 3 #8
Black Widow Vol 5 #15
Cyclops Vol 3 #10
All-New X-Men #36
Hawkeye Vol 4 #21
Avengers World #17
Avengers World #18
Avengers World #19
Avengers World #20
Avengers World #21
Bucky Barnes: The Winter Soldier #5
Spider-Man 2099 Vol 2 #9
Loki: Agent of Asgard #11
Magneto Vol 3 #15
Rocket Raccoon Vol 2 #7
Rocket Raccoon Vol 2 #8
Captain America and the Mighty Avengers #5
S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol 3 #3
Spider-Man and the X-Men #3
Wolverines #5
Wolverines #6
Angela: Asgard's Assassin #3
Angela: Asgard's Assassin #4
Angela: Asgard's Assassin #5
Angela: Asgard's Assassin #6
Silk #1
All-New Captain America: Fear Him #1
All-New Captain America: Fear Him #2
All-New Captain America: Fear Him #3
All-New Captain America: Fear Him #4

All-New X-Men #37

Avengers Vol 5 #41
New Avengers Vol 3 #30

Wolverines #7

Wolverines #8
Guardians Team-Up #1
Guardians Team-Up #2
Cyclops Vol 3 #11
Guardians of the Galaxy & X-Men: Black Vortex Alpha #1
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 #24
Legendary Star-Lord #9
All-New X-Men #38
All-New X-Men #39
Guardians Team-Up #3
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 #25
Nova Vol 5 #28
Legendary Star-Lord #10
Cyclops Vol 3 #12
Captain Marvel Vol 8 #14
Legendary Star-Lord #11
Guardians of the Galaxy & X-Men: Black Vortex Omega #1
Thor Annual Vol 4 #1 second story
Thor Annual Vol 4 #1 third story

All-New Captain America #5
Thor Vol 4 #6
Thor Vol 4 #7
Superior Iron Man #6
Uncanny X-Men Vol 3 #32
Avengers Vol 5 #42
New Avengers Vol 3 #31
Daredevil Vol 4 #14
Inhuman #13
Howard the Duck Vol 5 #1
Ms. Marvel Vol 3 #13
Ms. Marvel Vol 3 #14
Ms. Marvel Vol 3 #15
Spider-Woman Vol 5 #5
Moon Knight Vol 7 #13
All-New Hawkeye #1
All-New Hawkeye #2
All-New Hawkeye #3
All-New Hawkeye #4
All-New Hawkeye #5
Elektra Vol 3 #11
Punisher Vol 10 #16
Deadpool Vol 3 #43
Storm Vol 3 #9
Black Widow Vol 5 #16
Bucky Barnes: The Winter Soldier #6
Spider-Man 2099 Vol 2 #10
Loki: Agent of Asgard #12
Magneto Vol 3 #16
Captain America and the Mighty Avengers #6
S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol 3 #4
Spider-Man and the X-Men #4
Wolverines #9
Nightcrawler Vol 4 #12
Rocket Raccoon Vol 2 #9
Silk #2
Amazing Spider-Man Special #1
Inhuman Special #1
All-New Captain America Special #1

New Avengers Vol 3 #32
Deadpool Vol 3 #44
Wolverines #10

Wolverines #11

Wolverines #12
Nova Annual Vol 2 #1

All-New Captain America #6
Fantastic Four #645 first story
Superior Iron Man #7
Uncanny X-Men Vol 3 #33
Avengers Vol 5 #43
New Avengers Vol 3 #33
Daredevil Vol 4 #15
Silver Surfer Vol 7 #11
Inhuman #14
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 #26
Howard the Duck Vol 5 #2 first story
Nova Vol 5 #29
Nova Vol 5 #30
Nova Vol 5 #31
Spider-Woman Vol 5 #6
Moon Knight Vol 7 #14
Punisher Vol 10 #17
Storm Vol 3 #10
Black Widow Vol 5 #17
All-New X-Men #40
Bucky Barnes: The Winter Soldier #7
Spider-Man 2099 Vol 2 #11
Loki: Agent of Asgard #13
Magneto Vol 3 #17
Captain America and the Mighty Avengers #7
S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol 3 #5
Spider-Man and the X-Men #5
Wolverines #13
Rocket Raccoon Vol 2 #10
Rocket Raccoon Vol 2 #11
Guardians Team-Up #4
Silk #3
Fantastic Four #645 back up (Human Torch)
Howard the Duck Vol 5 #2 second story
Deadpool Vol 3 #45 second story
Fantastic Four #645 back up (Invisible Woman)
Deadpool Vol 3 #45 third story
Fantastic Four #645 back up (Thing)
Deadpool Vol 3 #45 back up (Evan Sabuhnur)
Fantastic Four #645 back up (Mr Fantastic)
Deadpool Vol 3 #45 back up (Agent Adsit)
Deadpool Vol 3 #45 back up (Ben Franklin)
Deadpool Vol 3 #45 back up (Michael the Necormancer)
Deadpool Vol 3 #45 eighth story

Superior Iron Man #8
Uncanny X-Men Vol 3 #34
Avengers Vol 5 #44
All-New X-Men #41
Spider-Man and the X-Men #6
Wolverines #14
Uncanny Inhumans #0 first story
Uncanny Inhumans #0 second story

Wolverines #15

Wolverines #16

Possible future timeline- Guardians 3000 #1
Possible future timeline- Guardians 3000 #2
Possible future timeline- Guardians 3000 #3
Possible future timeline- Guardians 3000 #4
Possible future timeline- Guardians 3000 #5
Possible future timeline- Guardians 3000 #6
Guardians 3000 #7
Guardians 3000 #8
Thor Vol 4 #8
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 3 #16 first story
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 3 #17 first story
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 3 #18 first story
Superior Iron Man #9
Daredevil Vol 4 #15.1 first story
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 #27
Howard the Duck Vol 5 #3 first story
Spider-Woman Vol 5 #7
Moon Knight Vol 7 #15
Punisher Vol 10 #18
Storm Vol 3 #11
Black Widow Vol 5 #18
Bucky Barnes: The Winter Soldier #8
Spider-Man 2099 Vol 2 #12
Legendary Star-Lord #12
Wolverines #17
S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol 3 #6
Guardians Team-Up #5
Silk #4
Hulk Vol 3 #16 back up (Randall Jessup)
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 3 #16 back up (Black Cat)
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 3 #17 back up (Black Cat)
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 3 #18 back up (Black Cat)
Daredevil Vol 4 #15.1 second story
Howard the Duck Vol 5 #3 second story
Daredevil Vol 4 #15.1 third story

Daredevil Vol 4 #16
Moon Knight Vol 7 #16
Bucky Barnes: The Winter Soldier #9
S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol 3 #7
Guardians Team-Up #6
Groot #1
Groot #2
Groot #3
Groot #4
Groot #5
Groot #6
Uncanny X-Men Special #1
Iron Man Special #1
Nova Special #1
Uncanny X-Men Vol 3 #35
Uncanny X-Men #600
Daredevil Vol 4 #17
Moon Knight Vol 7 #17
Hawkeye Vol 4 #22
S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol 3 #8
Guardians Team-Up #7
Thanos: The Infinity Relativity #1

Guardians Team-Up #8

Amazing Spider-Man Vol 3 #16.1
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 3 #17.1
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 3 #18.1
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 3 #19.1
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 3 #20.1
Howard the Duck Vol 5 #5
Bucky Barnes: The Winter Soldier #10
S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol 3 #9 first story
Guardians Team-Up #9
S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol 3 #9 second story

Guardians Team-Up #10

Daredevil Vol 4 #18
Bucky Barnes: The Winter Soldier #11
S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol 3 #10

Captain Marvel Vol 8 #15
Wolverines #18
Inhuman Annual #1

Wolverines #19
Howard the Duck Vol 5 #4 first story
Wolverines #20
Spider-Woman Vol 5 #8
Spider-Woman Vol 5 #9
Silk #5
Silk #6
Silver Surfer Vol 7 #12
Captain America and the Mighty Avengers #8
Spider-Woman Vol 5 #10
Black Widow Vol 5 #19
Black Widow Vol 5 #20
Secret Wars #0 first story
Secret Wars #0 second story
Secret Wars #1
Loki: Agent of Asgard #14
Loki: Agent of Asgard #15
Loki: Agent of Asgard #16
Captain America and the Mighty Avengers #9
Ms. Marvel Vol 3 #16
Ms. Marvel Vol 3 #17
Ms. Marvel Vol 3 #18
Ms. Marvel Vol 3 #19
Magneto Vol 3 #18
Magneto Vol 3 #19
Magneto Vol 3 #20
Magneto Vol 3 #21
Punisher Vol 10 #19
Punisher Vol 10 #20
Silk #7
Deadpool Vol 3 #45 first story
Ant-Man: Last Days #1
Silver Surfer Vol 7 #13
Silver Surfer Vol 7 #14
Silver Surfer Vol 7 #15
Loki: Agent of Asgard #17
Secret Wars #2

--Various alternate Earths of Battleworld/ALTERNATİF BATTLEWORLD DÜNYALARI----

Secret Wars Journal #1 (Arrowhead)

Secret Wars Journal #1 (X-Men)

Secret Wars Journal #2 (Misty Knight)

Secret Wars Journal #2 (Faredevil)

Secret Wars Journal #3 (Wolverine)

Secret Wars Journal #3 (Doc Samson)

Secret Wars Journal #4 (The SHIELD's Hel- Rangers)

Secret Wars Journal #4 (Psylocke)

Secret Wars Journal #5 (Night Nurse)

Secret Wars Journal #5 (Mill-E the Model Citizen)

Secret Wars: Battleworld #1 (Punisher)

Secret Wars: Battleworld #1 (MODOK)

Secret Wars: Battleworld #2 (Blade)

Secret Wars: Battleworld #2 (War Machine)

Secret Wars: Battleworld #3 (Monk Wolverine)

Secret Wars: Battleworld #3 (Deadpool)

Secret Wars: Battleworld #3 (Ant-Man)

Secret Wars: Battleworld #4 (Silver Surfer)

Secret Wars: Battleworld #4 (Silver Surfer)

A-Force #1

A-Force #2

A-Force #3

A-Force #4

A-Force #5

Master of Kung Fu Vol 2 #1

Master of Kung Fu Vol 2 #2

Master of Kung Fu Vol 2 #3

Master of Kung Fu Vol 2 #4

Inferno #1

Inferno #2

Inferno #3

Inferno #4

Inferno #5

X-Tinction Agenda #1

X-Tinction Agenda #2

X-Tinction Agenda #3

X-Tinction Agenda #4

Infinity Gauntlet Vol 2 #1

Infinity Gauntlet Vol 2 #2

Infinity Gauntlet Vol 2 #3

Infinity Gauntlet Vol 2 #4

Infinity Gauntlet Vol 2 #5

X-Men '92 Infinite Comic #1

X-Men '92 Infinite Comic #2

X-Men '92 Infinite Comic #3

X-Men '92 Infinite Comic #4

X-Men '92 Infinite Comic #5

X-Men '92 Infinite Comic #6

X-Men '92 Infinite Comic #7

X-Men '92 Infinite Comic #8

E Is For Extinction #1

E Is For Extinction #2

E Is For Extinction #3

E Is For Extinction #4

Years of Future Past #1

Years of Future Past #2

Years of Future Past #3

Years of Future Past #4

Years of Future Past #5

Old Man Logan #1

Old Man Logan #2

Old Man Logan #3

Old Man Logan #4

Old Man Logan #5

House of M Vol 2 #1

House of M Vol 2 #2

House of M Vol 2 #3

House of M Vol 2 #4

Secret Wars 2099 #1

Secret Wars 2099 #2

Secret Wars 2099 #3

Secret Wars 2099 #4

Secret Wars 2099 #5

Marvel Zombies Vol 2 #1

Marvel Zombies Vol 2 #2

Marvel Zombies Vol 2 #3

Marvel Zombies Vol 2 #4

Armor Wars #½

Armor Wars #1

Armor Wars #2

Armor Wars #3

Armor Wars #4

Armor Wars #5

1872 #1

1872 #2

1872 #3

1872 #4

Weirdworld #1

Weirdworld #2

Weirdworld #3

Weirdworld #4

Weirdworld #5

Where Monsters Dwell Vol 2 #1

Where Monsters Dwell Vol 2 #2

Where Monsters Dwell Vol 2 #3

Where Monsters Dwell Vol 2 #4

Where Monsters Dwell Vol 2 #5

Spider-Verse Vol 2 #1 (Spider-Woman)

Spider-Verse Vol 2 #1 (Spider-Ham)

Spider-Verse Vol 2 #2

Spider-Verse Vol 2 #3

Spider-Verse Vol 2 #4

Spider-Verse Vol 2 #5

M.O.D.O.K. Assassin #1

M.O.D.O.K. Assassin #2

M.O.D.O.K. Assassin #3

M.O.D.O.K. Assassin #4

M.O.D.O.K. Assassin #5

Giant-Size Little Marvel: AVX #1

Giant-Size Little Marvel: AVX #2

Giant-Size Little Marvel: AVX #3

Giant-Size Little Marvel: AVX #4

Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #1

Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #2

Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #3

Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #4

Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #5

Spider-Island #1 (Agent Venom)

Spider-Island #2 (Agent Venom)

Spider-Island #3 (Agent Venom)

Spider-Island #4 (Agent Venom)

Spider-Island #5 (Agent Venom)

Spider-Island #1 (Spider-Woman)

Spider-Island #2 (Spider-Woman)

Spider-Island #3 (Spider-Woman)

Spider-Island #4 (Spider-Woman)

Spider-Island #5 (Spider-Woman)

Captain Marvel and the Carol Corps #1

Captain Marvel and the Carol Corps #2

Captain Marvel and the Carol Corps #3

Captain Marvel and the Carol Corps #4

Hail Hydra #1

Hail Hydra #2

Hail Hydra #3

Hail Hydra #4

Mrs. Deadpool and the Howling Commandos #1

Mrs. Deadpool and the Howling Commandos #2

Mrs. Deadpool and the Howling Commandos #3

Mrs. Deadpool and the Howling Commandos #4

Hank Johnson, Agent of Hydra #1

Howard the Human #1

Secret Wars: Secret Love #1 (Karen Page)

Secret Wars: Secret Love #1 (Roberto Rayes)

Secret Wars: Secret Love #1 (Misty Knight Rand)

Secret Wars: Secret Love #1 (Squirrel Girl)

Secret Wars: Secret Love #1 (Wasp)

Secret Wars: Agents of Atlas #1

Korvac Saga #1

Korvac Saga #2

Korvac Saga #3

Korvac Saga #4

Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders #1

Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders #2

1602 Witch Hunter Angela #1

1602 Witch Hunter Angela #2

1602 Witch Hunter Angela #3

1602 Witch Hunter Angela #4

Civil War Vol 2 #1

Civil War Vol 2 #2

Civil War Vol 2 #3

Civil War Vol 2 #4

Civil War Vol 2 #5

Planet Hulk #1 back up (Bruce Banner)

Planet Hulk #1 first story

Planet Hulk #2

Planet Hulk #3

Planet Hulk #4

Planet Hulk #5

Future Imperfect #1

Future Imperfect #2

Future Imperfect #3

Future Imperfect #4

Future Imperfect #5

Squadron Sinister #1

Squadron Sinister #2

Squadron Sinister #3

Squadron Sinister #4

Secret Wars #3

Runaways Vol 4 #1

Runaways Vol 4 #2

Runaways Vol 4 #3

Runaways Vol 4 #4

Age of Ultron vs. Marvel Zombies #1

Age of Ultron vs. Marvel Zombies #2

Age of Ultron vs. Marvel Zombies #3

Age of Ultron vs. Marvel Zombies #4

Secret Wars #4

Inhumans: Attilan Rising #1

Inhumans: Attilan Rising #2

Inhumans: Attilan Rising #3

Inhumans: Attilan Rising #4

Inhumans: Attilan Rising #5

Ghost Racers #1

Ghost Racers #2

Ghost Racers #3

Ghost Racers #4

Star-Lord and Kitty Pryde #1

Star-Lord and Kitty Pryde #2

Star-Lord and Kitty Pryde #3

Guardians of Knowhere #1

Guardians of Knowhere #2

Guardians of Knowhere #3

Guardians of Knowhere #4

Thors #1

Thors #2

Thors #3

Thors #4

Red Skull Vol 2 #1

Red Skull Vol 2 #2

Red Skull Vol 2 #3

Secret Wars #5

Secret Wars #6

Siege Vol 2 #1

Siege Vol 2 #2

Siege Vol 2 #3

Siege Vol 2 #4

Age of Apocalypse Vol 2 #1

Age of Apocalypse Vol 2 #2

Age of Apocalypse Vol 2 #3

Age of Apocalypse Vol 2 #4

Age of Apocalypse Vol 2 #5

Secret Wars Too #1 (Spider-Man)

Secret Wars Too #1 (Lady Katherine of Bishop)

Secret Wars Too #1 (D-Man)

Secret Wars Too #1 (Galactus)

Secret Wars Too #1 (Cyclops)

Secret Wars Too #1 (Doctor Doom)

Secret Wars #7

Secret Wars #8

Ultimate End #1

Ultimate End #2

Ultimate End #3

Ultimate End #4

Ultimate End #5

Secret Wars #9
Howard the Duck Vol 5 #4 second story

Avengers: Rage of Ultron #1
Ant-Man Annual #1
Death of X #1
Death of X #2
Death of X #3
Death of X #4
All-New, All-Different Marvel Point One #1 first story
All-New, All-Different Marvel Point One #1 Carnage
All-New, All-Different Marvel Point One #1 Rocket Raccoon and Groot
All-New, All-Different Marvel Point One #1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
All-New, All-Different Marvel Point One #1 All-New Inhumans
All-New, All-Different Marvel Point One #1 Daredevil
Contest of Champions #1
Contest of Champions #2
Contest of Champions #3
Contest of Champions #4
Contest of Champions #5
Contest of Champions #6
Contest of Champions #7
Contest of Champions #8
Contest of Champions #9
Contest of Champions #10
Invincible Iron Man Vol 3 #1
Invincible Iron Man Vol 3 #2
Invincible Iron Man Vol 3 #3
Invincible Iron Man Vol 3 #4
Invincible Iron Man Vol 3 #5
Captain America: Sam Wilson #1
A Year of Marvels: March Infinite Comic #1 (Ant-man)
Astonishing Ant-Man #1
Astonishing Ant-Man #2
Astonishing Ant-Man #3
Astonishing Ant-Man #4
Astonishing Ant-Man #5
Astonishing Ant-Man #6
Astonishing Ant-Man #7
Astonishing Ant-Man #8
Astonishing Ant-Man #9
Astonishing Ant-Man #10
Astonishing Ant-Man #11
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #1 first story
Doctor Strange Vol 4 #1 first story
Avengers Vol 6 #0 (Squadron Supreme)
Avengers Vol 6 #0 (Vision & Scarlet Witch)
Avengers Vol 6 #0 (Captain Marvel)
Avengers Vol 6 #0 (W.H.I.S.P.E.R)
Avengers Vol 6 #0 (Deadpool)
Avengers Vol 6 #0 (Ultimates)
New Avengers Vol 4 #1
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 4 #1
Uncanny Inhumans #1 first story
Uncanny Inhumans #2
Uncanny Inhumans #3
Uncanny Inhumans #4
Deadpool & Cable: Split Second Infinite Comic #1
Deadpool & Cable: Split Second Infinite Comic #2
Deadpool & Cable: Split Second Infinite Comic #3
Deadpool & Cable: Split Second Infinite Comic #4
Deadpool & Cable: Split Second Infinite Comic #5
Deadpool & Cable: Split Second Infinite Comic #6
Uncanny Avengers Vol 3 #1
Uncanny Avengers Vol 3 #2
Uncanny Avengers Vol 3 #3
Uncanny Avengers Vol 3 #4
S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol 3 #11
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #1
Angela: Queen of Hel #1
Angela: Queen of Hel #2
Angela: Queen of Hel #3
Angela: Queen of Hel #4
Angela: Queen of Hel #5
Karnak #1
Karnak #2
Karnak #3
Karnak #4
Karnak #5
Karnak #6
Howling Commandos of S.H.I.E.L.D. #1
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #1 second story
Doctor Strange Vol 4 #1 back up (Magister Szandor Sozo)
Uncanny Inhumans #1 second story
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #1 back up (Silk)
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #1 back up (Jessica Drew)
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #1 back up (Warriors of the Great Web)
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #1 back up (Empire Unlimited)
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #1 seventh story

Captain America: Sam Wilson #2
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #2
New Avengers Vol 4 #2
Spider-Man 2099 Vol 3 #1
Black Panther: World of Wakanda #1second story
Black Panther: World of Wakanda #1first story
Black Panther: World of Wakanda #2
Black Panther: World of Wakanda #3
Black Panther: World of Wakanda #4
Black Panther: World of Wakanda #5
Black Panther: World of Wakanda #6
Black Panther and the Crew #1
Black Panther and the Crew #2
Black Panther and the Crew #3
Black Panther and the Crew #4
Black Panther and the Crew #5
Black Panther and the Crew #6


Çeviri & Balonlama
5 Ara 2016

All-New, All-Different Avengers #1 second story
All-New Inhumans #1 second story
Captain America: Sam Wilson #3
Black Knight Vol 3 #1
Black Knight Vol 3 #2
Black Knight Vol 3 #3
Black Knight Vol 3 #4
Black Knight Vol 3 #5
Mighty Thor Vol 2 #1
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #3
Spider-Man 2099 Vol 3 #2
Doctor Strange Vol 4 #2
All-New, All-Different Avengers #1 first story
All-New, All-Different Avengers #2
All-New, All-Different Avengers #3
Free Comic Book Day Vol 2015 #Avengers first story
New Avengers Vol 4 #3
Howard the Duck Vol 6 #1 first story
Ms. Marvel Vol 4 #1
Ms. Marvel Vol 4 #2
Ms. Marvel Vol 4 #3
Spider-Woman Vol 6 #1
Spider-Woman Vol 6 #2
Spider-Woman Vol 6 #3
Spider-Woman Vol 6 #4
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #1
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #2
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #3
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #4
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #5
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #6
Hercules Vol 4 #1
All-New Hawkeye Vol 2 #1
All-New Hawkeye Vol 2 #2
All-New Hawkeye Vol 2 #3
All-New Wolverine #1
All-New Wolverine #2
All-New Wolverine #3
All-New Wolverine #4
All-New Wolverine #5
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 4 #2
Spider-Man 2099 Vol 3 #3
Deadpool Vol 4 #1
Carnage Vol 2 #1
Carnage Vol 2 #2
Carnage Vol 2 #3
Carnage Vol 2 #4
Carnage Vol 2 #5
Spider-Woman Vol 6 #5
Silk Vol 2 #1
Silk Vol 2 #2
Amazing Spider-Man & Silk: The Spider(fly) Effect Infinite Comic #1
Amazing Spider-Man & Silk: The Spider(fly) Effect Infinite Comic #2
Amazing Spider-Man & Silk: The Spider(fly) Effect Infinite Comic #3
Amazing Spider-Man & Silk: The Spider(fly) Effect Infinite Comic #4
Amazing Spider-Man & Silk: The Spider(fly) Effect Infinite Comic #5
Amazing Spider-Man & Silk: The Spider(fly) Effect Infinite Comic #6
Amazing Spider-Man & Silk: The Spider(fly) Effect Infinite Comic #7
Amazing Spider-Man & Silk: The Spider(fly) Effect Infinite Comic #8
Silk Vol 2 #3
Silk Vol 2 #4
Silk Vol 2 #5
Silk Vol 2 #6
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #2
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #3
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #4
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #5
Howling Commandos of S.H.I.E.L.D. #2
Illuminati #1
Avengers vs. Infinity #1 third story
Avengers vs. Infinity #1 fourth story
Drax #1
Extraordinary X-Men #1
Ultimates Vol 2 #1
Venom: Space Knight #1
Vision Vol 2 #1
Howard the Duck Vol 6 #1 second story
Howard the Duck Vol 6 #2 second story
Howard the Duck Vol 6 #3 second story
Deadpool Vol 4 #2
Extraordinary X-Men #2
Uncanny Avengers Annual Vol 2 #1
Captain America: Sam Wilson #4
Totally Awesome Hulk #1
Totally Awesome Hulk #2
Totally Awesome Hulk #3
Totally Awesome Hulk #4
Mighty Thor Vol 2 #2
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #4
Doctor Strange Vol 4 #3
Uncanny X-Men Vol 4 #1
New Avengers Vol 4 #4
Howard the Duck Vol 6 #2 first story
Daredevil Vol 5 #1
All-New Inhumans #1 first story
Red Wolf Vol 2 #1
Red Wolf Vol 2 #2
Red Wolf Vol 2 #3
Red Wolf Vol 2 #4
Red Wolf Vol 2 #5
Red Wolf Vol 2 #6
Hercules Vol 4 #2
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 4 #3
Spider-Man 2099 Vol 3 #4
Deadpool Vol 4 #3
Scarlet Witch Vol 2 #1
Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! #1
All-New X-Men Vol 2 #1
Howling Commandos of S.H.I.E.L.D. #3
Illuminati #2
Illuminati #3
Illuminati #4
Illuminati #5
Uncanny Inhumans #5
Uncanny Inhumans #6
Drax #2
Extraordinary X-Men #3
Ultimates Vol 2 #2
Venom: Space Knight #2
Vision Vol 2 #2
Guardians of Infinity #1 first story
Guardians of Infinity #2 first story
Guardians of Infinity #3 first story
Guardians of Infinity #4 first story
Guardians of Infinity #5 first story
Guardians of Infinity #6 first story
Guardians of Infinity #7 first story
Guardians of Infinity #8 first story
Weirdworld Vol 2 #1
Squadron Supreme Vol 4 #1
Starbrand & Nightmask #1
Starbrand & Nightmask #2
Starbrand & Nightmask #3
Starbrand & Nightmask #4
Starbrand & Nightmask #5
Starbrand & Nightmask #6
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #1.1
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #1.2
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #1.3
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #1.4
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #1.5
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #1.6
Deadpool: Masacre #1
Gwenpool Special #1 (She-Hulk)
Gwenpool Special #1 (Ms. Marvel)
Gwenpool Special #1 (Deadpool)
Gwenpool Special #1 fourth story
A Year of Marvels: February Infinite Comic #1 (Spider-man)
Guardians of Infinity #1 second story
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #5
Daredevil Vol 5 #2
All-New Inhumans #2
Deadpool Vol 4 #4
All-New X-Men Vol 2 #2
Extraordinary X-Men #4
Squadron Supreme Vol 4 #2
Captain America: Sam Wilson #5
Mighty Thor Vol 2 #3
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #6
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #7
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #8
Doctor Strange Vol 4 #4
Uncanny X-Men Vol 4 #2
New Avengers Vol 4 #5
Daredevil Vol 5 #3
Captain Marvel Vol 9 #1
Captain Marvel Vol 9 #2
Captain Marvel Vol 9 #3
Captain Marvel Vol 9 #4
Captain Marvel Vol 9 #5
Silver Surfer Vol 8 #1
All-New Inhumans #3
Howard the Duck Vol 6 #3 first story
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #1
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #2
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #3
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #4
Hercules Vol 4 #3
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 4 #4
Spider-Man 2099 Vol 3 #5
Deadpool Vol 4 #5
Scarlet Witch Vol 2 #2
Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! #2
All-New X-Men Vol 2 #3
Howling Commandos of S.H.I.E.L.D. #4
Drax #3
Extraordinary X-Men #5
Ultimates Vol 2 #3
Venom: Space Knight #3
Venom: Space Knight #4
Vision Vol 2 #3
Weirdworld Vol 2 #2
Squadron Supreme Vol 4 #3
A-Force Vol 2 #1
Rocket Raccoon and Groot #1
Spider-Man/Deadpool #1
Spider-Man/Deadpool #2
Spider-Man/Deadpool #3
Spider-Man/Deadpool #4
Spider-Man/Deadpool #5
Spider-Man/Deadpool #6
Spider-Man/Deadpool #7
Spider-Man/Deadpool #8
X-Men: Worst X-Man Ever #1
X-Men: Worst X-Man Ever #2
X-Men: Worst X-Man Ever #3
X-Men: Worst X-Man Ever #4
X-Men: Worst X-Man Ever #5
Guardians of Infinity #2 second story
All-New, All-Different Avengers #4
Deadpool Vol 4 #6
Extraordinary X-Men #6
Extraordinary X-Men #7
Captain America: Sam Wilson #6
Mighty Thor Vol 2 #4
Doctor Strange Vol 4 #5
Uncanny X-Men Vol 4 #3
All-New, All-Different Avengers #5
New Avengers Vol 4 #6
Daredevil Vol 5 #4
Silver Surfer Vol 8 #2
All-New Inhumans #4
Power Man and Iron Fist Vol 3 #1
Howard the Duck Vol 6 #4
Ms. Marvel Vol 4 #4
Ms. Marvel Vol 4 #5
Ms. Marvel Vol 4 #6
Hercules Vol 4 #4
All-New Hawkeye Vol 2 #4
All-New Hawkeye Vol 2 #5
All-New Hawkeye Vol 2 #6
Spider-Man Vol 2 #1
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 4 #5
Spider-Man 2099 Vol 3 #6
Deadpool Vol 4 #7 first story
Scarlet Witch Vol 2 #3
Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! #3
Uncanny Avengers Vol 3 #5
All-New X-Men Vol 2 #4
All-New X-Men Vol 2 #5
All-New X-Men Vol 2 #6
All-New X-Men Vol 2 #7
Howling Commandos of S.H.I.E.L.D. #5
Drax #4
Ultimates Vol 2 #4
Vision Vol 2 #4
Weirdworld Vol 2 #3
Squadron Supreme Vol 4 #4
A-Force Vol 2 #2
Rocket Raccoon and Groot #2
Deadpool & the Mercs for Money #1
Deadpool & the Mercs for Money #2
Deadpool & the Mercs for Money #3
Deadpool & the Mercs for Money #4
Deadpool & the Mercs for Money #5
A Year of Marvels: April Infinite Comic #1 (?)
Guardians of Infinity #3 second story
Deadpool Vol 4 #7 second story (Terror)
Deadpool Vol 4 #7 third story (Stingray)
Deadpool Vol 4 #7 fourth story (Slapstick)
Deadpool Vol 4 #7 fifth story (Massacre)
Deadpool Vol 4 #7 sixth story (Foolkiller)
Deadpool Vol 4 #7 seventh story (Solo)
All-New, All-Different Avengers #6
Nova Vol 6 #1
Nova Vol 6 #2
Nova Vol 6 #3
Nova Vol 6 #4
New Avengers Vol 4 #7
Spider-Man 2099 Vol 3 #7
Extraordinary X-Men #8 second story
Mighty Thor Vol 2 #5
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #9
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #10
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #11
Uncanny X-Men Vol 4 #4
Daredevil Vol 5 #5
All-New Inhumans #5
All-New Inhumans #6
Black Widow Vol 6 #1
Power Man and Iron Fist Vol 3 #2
Nova Vol 6 #5
Howard the Duck Vol 6 #5
Hercules Vol 4 #5
All-New Wolverine #6
Spider-Man Vol 2 #2
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 4 #6
Spider-Man 2099 Vol 3 #8
Deadpool Vol 4 #8
Deadpool Vol 4 #9
Deadpool Vol 4 #10
Deadpool Vol 4 #11
Scarlet Witch Vol 2 #4
Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! #4
Uncanny Avengers Vol 3 #6
Carnage Vol 2 #6
Carnage Vol 2 #7
Carnage Vol 2 #8
Carnage Vol 2 #9
Carnage Vol 2 #10
Angela: Queen of Hel #6
Angela: Queen of Hel #7
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #6
Howard the Duck Vol 6 #6
Drax #5
Ultimates Vol 2 #5
Venom: Space Knight #5
Vision Vol 2 #5
Weirdworld Vol 2 #4
Squadron Supreme Vol 4 #5
A-Force Vol 2 #3
Rocket Raccoon and Groot #3
Mockingbird #1
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. #1
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. #2
Avengers: Standoff!

Avengers Standoff: Welcome to Pleasant Hill #1
Avengers Standoff: Assault On Pleasant Hill Alpha #1
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. #3
Uncanny Avengers Vol 3 #7
All-New, All-Different Avengers #7
New Avengers Vol 4 #8
Howling Commandos of S.H.I.E.L.D. #6
Captain America: Sam Wilson #7 first story
Uncanny Avengers Vol 3 #8
New Avengers Vol 4 #9
Illuminati #6
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. #4
All-New, All-Different Avengers #8
New Avengers Vol 4 #10
Captain America: Sam Wilson #8
Avengers Standoff: Assault On Pleasant Hill Omega #1
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. #5
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. #6
Infinity Entity #1
Infinity Entity #2
Infinity Entity #3
Infinity Entity #4
Hyperion #1
Hyperion #2
Hyperion #3
Hyperion #4
Hyperion #5
Hyperion #6
Daredevil/Punisher: Seventh Circle Infinite Comic #1
Daredevil/Punisher: Seventh Circle Infinite Comic #2
Daredevil/Punisher: Seventh Circle Infinite Comic #3
Daredevil/Punisher: Seventh Circle Infinite Comic #4
Daredevil/Punisher: Seventh Circle Infinite Comic #5
Daredevil/Punisher: Seventh Circle Infinite Comic #6
Daredevil/Punisher: Seventh Circle Infinite Comic #7
Daredevil/Punisher: Seventh Circle Infinite Comic #8
A Year of Marvels: May Infinite Comic #1 (Wolverine & She-Hulk)
Captain America: Sam Wilson #7 second story
Captain America: Sam Wilson #7 third story
Captain America: Sam Wilson #7 forth story
Guardians of Infinity #4 back up (Human Torch & Venom)
Uncanny X-Men Vol 4 #5
Apocalypse Wars

Extraordinary X-Men #8 first story
Uncanny X-Men Vol 4 #6
Extraordinary X-Men #9
Uncanny X-Men Vol 4 #7
All-New X-Men Vol 2 #9
Extraordinary X-Men #10
Uncanny X-Men Vol 4 #8
All-New X-Men Vol 2 #10
Extraordinary X-Men #11
Uncanny X-Men Vol 4 #9
All-New X-Men Vol 2 #11
Extraordinary X-Men #12
Uncanny X-Men Vol 4 #10
Totally Awesome Hulk #5
Totally Awesome Hulk #6
Mighty Thor Vol 2 #6
Mighty Thor Vol 2 #7
Daredevil Vol 5 #6
Silver Surfer Vol 8 #3
Black Panther Vol 6 #1
Black Panther Vol 6 #2
Black Panther Vol 6 #3
Black Panther Vol 6 #4
Black Panther Vol 6 #5
Black Panther Vol 6 #6
Black Panther Vol 6 #7
Black Panther Vol 6 #8
Black Panther Vol 6 #9
Black Panther Vol 6 #10
Black Panther Vol 6 #11
Black Panther Vol 6 #12
Black Widow Vol 6 #2
Power Man and Iron Fist Vol 3 #3
Nova Vol 6 #6
Moon Knight Vol 8 #1
Moon Knight Vol 8 #2
Moon Knight Vol 8 #3
Moon Knight Vol 8 #4
Moon Knight Vol 8 #5
Hercules Vol 4 #6
All-New Wolverine #7
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #5
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #6
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #7
Spider-Man Vol 2 #3
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 4 #7
Spider-Man 2099 Vol 3 #9
Scarlet Witch Vol 2 #5
Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! #5
All-New X-Men Vol 2 #8
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #7
Uncanny Inhumans #7
Drax #6
Star-Lord #6
Star-Lord #7
Star-Lord #8
Ultimates Vol 2 #6
Venom: Space Knight #6
Vision Vol 2 #6
Mockingbird #2
Weirdworld Vol 2 #5
A-Force Vol 2 #4
Rocket Raccoon and Groot #4
Thanos: The Infinity Finale #1
Spider-Women Alpha #1
Spider-Gwen Vol 2 #7
Silk Vol 2 #7
Spider-Woman Vol 6 #6
Spider-Gwen Vol 2 #8
Silk Vol 2 #8
Spider-Woman Vol 6 #7
Spider-Women Omega #1
Doctor Strange: Last Days of Magic #1 first story
Doctor Strange: Last Days of Magic #1 second story
Doctor Strange: Last Days of Magic #1 third story
Doctor Strange Vol 4 #6 first story
Doctor Strange Vol 4 #7
Deadpool: Last Days of Magic #1
Doctor Strange Vol 4 #8
Doctor Strange Vol 4 #9
Doctor Strange Vol 4 #10
Unbelievable Gwenpool #1
A Year of Marvels: June Infinite Comic #1 (Nova)
Doctor Strange Vol 4 #6 second story
Guardians of Infinity #5 second story
Uncanny Inhumans #8
Free Comic Book Day Vol 2016 #(Captain America) first story
Captain America: Steve Rogers #1
Captain America: Sam Wilson #9
All-New, All-Different Avengers #9
New Avengers Vol 4 #11
Daredevil Vol 5 #7
Silver Surfer Vol 8 #4
Black Widow Vol 6 #3
All-New Inhumans #7
Power Man and Iron Fist Vol 3 #4
Nova Vol 6 #7
Howard the Duck Vol 6 #7
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #7
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #8
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #9
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #10
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #11
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #12
Punisher Vol 11 #1
Spider-Man Vol 2 #4
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 4 #8
Spider-Man 2099 Vol 3 #10
Spider-Man 2099 Vol 3 #11
Spider-Man 2099 Vol 3 #12
Scarlet Witch Vol 2 #6
Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! #6
Uncanny Avengers Vol 3 #9
Uncanny Avengers Vol 3 #10
Uncanny Avengers Vol 3 #11
Uncanny Avengers Vol 3 #12
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #8
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #9
Uncanny Inhumans #9
Illuminati #7
Drax #7
Venom: Space Knight #7
Vision Vol 2 #7
Mockingbird #3
Weirdworld Vol 2 #6
A-Force Vol 2 #5
A-Force Vol 2 #6
A-Force Vol 2 #7
Rocket Raccoon and Groot #5
Nighthawk Vol 2 #1
Nighthawk Vol 2 #2
Nighthawk Vol 2 #3
Nighthawk Vol 2 #4
Nighthawk Vol 2 #5
Nighthawk Vol 2 #6
Unbelievable Gwenpool #2
Deadpool: Bad Blood #1
Spider-Woman Vol 6 #8
Spider-Man Vol 2 #5
A Year of Marvels: July Infinite Comic #1 (Winter Soldier)
Free Comic Book Day Vol 2016 #(Captain America) back up (Spider-Man
Free Comic Book Day Vol 2016 #Civil War II second story
Guardians of Infinity #6 second story
Deadpool Vol 4 #12
Captain America: Steve Rogers #2
Mighty Thor Vol 2 #8
Mighty Thor Vol 2 #9
Mighty Thor Vol 2 #10
Mighty Thor Vol 2 #11
All-New, All-Different Avengers #10
All-New, All-Different Avengers #11
All-New, All-Different Avengers #12
Daredevil Vol 5 #8
Daredevil Vol 5 #9
Black Widow Vol 6 #4
All-New Inhumans #8
Power Man and Iron Fist Vol 3 #5
Howard the Duck Vol 6 #8
Punisher Vol 11 #2
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 4 #9
Deadpool Vol 4 #13 first story
Deadpool Vol 4 #13 second story
Deadpool Vol 4 #13 third story
Deadpool Vol 4 #13 fourth story
Scarlet Witch Vol 2 #7
Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! #7
Silk Vol 2 #9
Drax #8
Uncanny Inhumans #10
Venom: Space Knight #8
Vision Vol 2 #8
Mockingbird #4
Rocket Raccoon and Groot #6
Unbelievable Gwenpool #3
Deadpool v Gambit #1
Deadpool v Gambit #2
Deadpool v Gambit #3
Deadpool v Gambit #4
Deadpool v Gambit #5
Vote Loki #1
Vote Loki #2
Vote Loki #3
Vote Loki #4
A Year of Marvels: August Infinite Comic #1 (Nick Fury)
International Iron Man #1
International Iron Man #2
International Iron Man #3
Thunderbolts Vol 3 #1
Thunderbolts Vol 3 #2
Thunderbolts Vol 3 #3
Thunderbolts Vol 3 #4
Squadron Supreme Vol 4 #6
Squadron Supreme Vol 4 #7
Squadron Supreme Vol 4 #8
Civil War II: Daily Bugle Newspaper #1
International Iron Man #4
International Iron Man #5
International Iron Man #6
Guardians of Infinity #7 back up (Space Knights)
Venom: Space Knight #9
Deadpool: Too Soon? Infinite Comic #1
Deadpool: Too Soon? Infinite Comic #2
Deadpool: Too Soon? Infinite Comic #3
Deadpool: Too Soon? Infinite Comic #4
Deadpool: Too Soon? Infinite Comic #5
Deadpool: Too Soon? Infinite Comic #6
Deadpool: Too Soon? Infinite Comic #7
Deadpool: Too Soon? Infinite Comic #8
Captain America: Steve Rogers #3
Silver Surfer Vol 8 #5
Black Widow Vol 6 #5
All-New Inhumans #9
Howard the Duck Vol 6 #9
Punisher Vol 11 #3
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #8
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 4 #10
Scarlet Witch Vol 2 #8
Silk Vol 2 #10
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #10
Drax #9
Venom: Space Knight #10
Vision Vol 2 #9
Mockingbird #5
Rocket Raccoon and Groot #7
Unbelievable Gwenpool #4
Deadpool & the Mercs for Money Vol 2 #1
Deadpool & the Mercs for Money Vol 2 #2
Deadpool & the Mercs for Money Vol 2 #3
Deadpool & the Mercs for Money Vol 2 #4
A Year of Marvels: September Infinite Comic #1 (Tippy Toe)
Guardians of Infinity #8 second story
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #9
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #10
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #11
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #12
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #13
Uncanny X-Men Vol 4 #11
Daredevil Vol 5 #10
Daredevil Vol 5 #11
Daredevil Vol 5 #12
Daredevil Vol 5 #13
Daredevil Vol 5 #14
Silver Surfer Vol 8 #6
Black Widow Vol 6 #6
All-New Inhumans #10
Howard the Duck Vol 6 #10
Punisher Vol 11 #4
Carnage Vol 2 #11
Carnage Vol 2 #12
Carnage Vol 2 #13
Carnage Vol 2 #14
Carnage Vol 2 #15
Carnage Vol 2 #16
All-New X-Men Vol 2 #12
Silk Vol 2 #11
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #11
Drax #10
Extraordinary X-Men #13
Extraordinary X-Men #14
Extraordinary X-Men #15
Extraordinary X-Men #16
Vision Vol 2 #10
Unbelievable Gwenpool #5
Marvel Tsum Tsum #1
Marvel Tsum Tsum #2
Marvel Tsum Tsum #3
Marvel Tsum Tsum #4
A Year of Marvels: October Infinite Comic #1 (Hawk Eye)
Barnes & Noble Make Mine Marvel Sampler #1
All-New, All-Different Avengers Annual #1 first story
Daredevil Annual Vol 4 #1 first story
Uncanny Inhumans Annual #1
All-New Wolverine Annual #1
All-New, All-Different Avengers Annual #1 second story
Daredevil Annual Vol 4 #1 second story
All-New, All-Different Avengers Annual #1 third story
All-New, All-Different Avengers Annual #1 fifth story
All-New, All-Different Avengers Annual #1 sixth story
Astonishing Ant-Man #12
Astonishing Ant-Man #13
Doctor Strange Vol 4 #11
Uncanny X-Men Vol 4 #12
All-New Inhumans #11
Howard the Duck Vol 6 #11
Moon Knight Vol 8 #6
Moon Knight Vol 8 #7
Moon Knight Vol 8 #8
Moon Knight Vol 8 #9
Punisher Vol 11 #5
All-New X-Men Vol 2 #13
Silk Vol 2 #12
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #12
Drax #11
Vision Vol 2 #11
Spider-Man/Deadpool #9
Spider-Man/Deadpool #10
Spider-Man/Deadpool #13
Spider-Man/Deadpool #14
Spider-Man/Deadpool #17
Spider-Man/Deadpool #18
Unbelievable Gwenpool #6
A Year of Marvels: November Infinite Comic #1 (Punisher)
International Iron Man #7
Uncanny X-Men Vol 4 #13
Doctor Strange Annual Vol 2 #1 first story
Deadpool Annual Vol 4 #1 first story
Extraordinary X-Men Annual #1 first story
Doctor Strange Annual Vol 2 #1 second story
Deadpool Annual Vol 4 #1 second story
Extraordinary X-Men Annual #1 second story
Civil War II

Invincible Iron Man Vol 3 #6
Invincible Iron Man Vol 3 #7
Invincible Iron Man Vol 3 #8
Invincible Iron Man Vol 3 #9
Invincible Iron Man Vol 3 #10
Invincible Iron Man Vol 3 #11
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #12
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #13
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #14
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #15
Totally Awesome Hulk #7
Totally Awesome Hulk #8
Ultimates Vol 2 #7
Civil War II #0
All-New Wolverine #8
All-New Wolverine #9
Ms. Marvel Vol 4 #7
Civil War II: Ulysses #1
Civil War II: Ulysses #2
Civil War II: Ulysses #3
Civil War II #1 (Page 1-24)
Civil War II: Gods of War #1
New Avengers Vol 4 #12
Civil War II: Choosing Sides #1 (Night Thrasher)
Civil War II: Choosing Sides #1 (Damage Control)
Captain Marvel Vol 9 #6
Free Comic Book Day Vol 2016 #Civil War II first story
Civil War II #1 (Page 25-35)
Deadpool Vol 4 #14
Deadpool Vol 4 #15
Deadpool Vol 4 #16
Deadpool Vol 4 #17
Deadpool Vol 4 #18
Spider-Man 2099 Vol 3 #13
Spider-Man 2099 Vol 3 #14
Spider-Man 2099 Vol 3 #15
Spider-Man 2099 Vol 3 #16
Civil War II: Amazing Spider-Man #1
Civil War II: Amazing Spider-Man #2
Civil War II: Amazing Spider-Man #3
Civil War II: Amazing Spider-Man #4
Spider-Woman Vol 6 #9
All-New Wolverine #10
All-New Wolverine #11
All-New Wolverine #12
Power Man and Iron Fist Vol 3 #6
Ultimates Vol 2 #8
Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! #8
A-Force Vol 2 #8
A-Force Vol 2 #9
A-Force Vol 2 #10
Scarlet Witch Vol 2 #9
Spider-Man Vol 2 #6
Civil War II #2
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. #7
Uncanny Inhumans #11
Uncanny Inhumans #12
Uncanny Inhumans #13
Uncanny Inhumans #14
Invincible Iron Man Vol 3 #12
Invincible Iron Man Vol 3 #13
Captain America: Sam Wilson #10
Civil War II: Choosing Sides #2 (Ultimates)
Civil War II: Choosing Sides #2 (Tom Foster)
Civil War II: X-Men #1
Civil War II: X-Men #2
Civil War II: X-Men #3
Civil War II: X-Men #4
Captain Marvel Vol 9 #7
Ms. Marvel Vol 4 #8
Ms. Marvel Vol 4 #9
Ms. Marvel Vol 4 #10
Ms. Marvel Vol 4 #11
Captain America: Sam Wilson #11
Captain America: Sam Wilson #12
Captain America: Sam Wilson #13
Civil War II: Kingpin #1 second story
Civil War II: Kingpin #1 first story
Civil War II: Kingpin #2
Civil War II: Kingpin #3
Civil War II: Kingpin #4
Civil War II: Gods of War #2
Civil War II: Gods of War #3
Civil War II: Gods of War #4
Captain America: Steve Rogers #4
Spider-Man Vol 2 #7
Civil War II: Choosing Sides #6 (Jessica Jones)
Civil War II #3
Spider-Man Vol 2 #8
Civil War II: Choosing Sides #3 (JJJ)
Civil War II: Choosing Sides #4 (Punisher)
Civil War II: Choosing Sides #4 (Power Pack)
Civil War II: Choosing Sides #5 (Alpha Flight)
Civil War II: Choosing Sides #5 (Colleen Wing)
Civil War II: Choosing Sides #6 (White Fox)
Nova Vol 6 #8
Nova Vol 6 #9
Nova Vol 6 #10
Nova Vol 6 #11
Spider-Woman Vol 6 #10
Uncanny Avengers Vol 3 #13
Spider-Woman Vol 6 #11
Uncanny Avengers Vol 3 #14
All-New, All-Different Avengers #13
All-New, All-Different Avengers #14
All-New, All-Different Avengers #15
Captain Marvel Vol 9 #8
Power Man and Iron Fist Vol 3 #7
Power Man and Iron Fist Vol 3 #8
Power Man and Iron Fist Vol 3 #9
Mockingbird #6
New Avengers Vol 4 #13
New Avengers Vol 4 #14
Civil War II: Choosing Sides #3 (Kate Bishop)
New Avengers Vol 4 #15
New Avengers Vol 4 #16
New Avengers Vol 4 #17
New Avengers Vol 4 #18
Ultimates Vol 2 #9
Squadron Supreme Vol 4 #9
Squadron Supreme Vol 4 #10
Squadron Supreme Vol 4 #11
Squadron Supreme Vol 4 #12
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 4 #11
Rocket Raccoon and Groot #8
Rocket Raccoon and Groot #9
Rocket Raccoon and Groot #10
Venom: Space Knight #11
Venom: Space Knight #12
Venom: Space Knight #13
Ultimates Vol 2 #10
Ultimates Vol 2 #11
Civil War II #4
Captain Marvel Vol 9 #9
Captain Marvel Vol 9 #10
Civil War II: The Accused #1
Civil War II: The Fallen #1
Totally Awesome Hulk #9
Totally Awesome Hulk #10
Totally Awesome Hulk #11
Totally Awesome Hulk #12
Mockingbird #7
Mockingbird #8
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. #8
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. #9
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. #10
Civil War II: Choosing Sides #1 (Nick Fury)
Civil War II: Choosing Sides #2 (Nick Fury)
Civil War II: Choosing Sides #3 (Nick Fury)
Civil War II: Choosing Sides #4 (Nick Fury)
Civil War II: Choosing Sides #5 (Nick Fury)
Civil War II: Choosing Sides #6 (Nick Fury)
Invincible Iron Man Vol 3 #14
Civil War II #5
Civil War II #6
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 4 #12
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 4 #13
Captain America: Steve Rogers #5
Captain America: Steve Rogers #6
Thunderbolts Vol 3 #5
Thunderbolts Vol 3 #6
Spider-Man Vol 2 #9
Civil War II #7
Civil War II #8
Spider-Man Vol 2 #10
Ultimates Vol 2 #12
Uncanny Avengers Vol 3 #15
Uncanny Avengers Vol 3 #16
Uncanny Avengers Vol 3 #17
Dead No More: The Clone Conspiracy

Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #16
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #17
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #18
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #19
Dead No More: The Clone Conspiracy #1
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #20
Prowler Vol 2 #1
Dead No More: The Clone Conspiracy #2
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #21
Silk Vol 2 #14
Prowler Vol 2 #2
Dead No More: The Clone Conspiracy #3
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #22
Silk Vol 2 #15
Prowler Vol 2 #3
Dead No More: The Clone Conspiracy #4
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #23
Silk Vol 2 #16
Prowler Vol 2 #4
Dead No More: The Clone Conspiracy #5
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #24
Silk Vol 2 #17
Prowler Vol 2 #5
Clone Conspiracy Omega #1 first story
Clone Conspiracy Omega #1 second story
Clone Conspiracy Omega #1 third story
Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! #9
Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! #10
Scarlet Witch Vol 2 #10
Deadpool Vol 4 #19
Captain America: Sam Wilson #14
Infamous Iron Man #1
Mighty Thor Vol 2 #12
Doctor Strange Vol 4 #12
Doctor Strange Vol 4 #13
Doctor Strange Vol 4 #14
Doctor Strange Vol 4 #15
Doctor Strange Vol 4 #16
Uncanny X-Men Vol 4 #14
Silver Surfer Vol 8 #7
Black Widow Vol 6 #7
Ms. Marvel Vol 4 #12 first story
Spider-Woman Vol 6 #12
Punisher Vol 11 #6
All-New Wolverine #13
All-New Wolverine #14
All-New Wolverine #15
All-New Wolverine #16
All-New Wolverine #17
All-New Wolverine #18
Deadpool Vol 4 #20
Scarlet Witch Vol 2 #11
Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! #11
All-New X-Men Vol 2 #14
Silk Vol 2 #13
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #13
Vision Vol 2 #12
Unbelievable Gwenpool #7
Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme #1
Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme #2
Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme #3
Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme #4
Great Lakes Avengers Vol 2 #1
Jessica Jones #1
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Beats Up the Marvel Universe! #1
Solo Vol 2 #1
Solo Vol 2 #2
Solo Vol 2 #3
Solo Vol 2 #4
Solo Vol 2 #5
Mosaic #1
Mosaic #2
Mosaic #3
Mosaic #4
Mosaic #5
Ghost Rider X-Mas Special Infinite Comic #1
Deadpool Vol 4 #21 first story
Punisher Annual Vol 4 #1


Çeviri & Balonlama
5 Ara 2016

Captain America: Sam Wilson #15
Mighty Thor Vol 2 #13
Mighty Thor Vol 2 #14
Invincible Iron Man Vol 4 #1
Uncanny X-Men Vol 4 #15
Avengers Vol 7 #1
Avengers Vol 7 #2
Avengers Vol 7 #3
Avengers Vol 7 #4
Avengers Vol 7 #5
Avengers Vol 7 #6
Black Widow Vol 6 #8
Power Man and Iron Fist Vol 3 #10
Power Man and Iron Fist Vol 3 #11
Power Man and Iron Fist Vol 3 #12
Power Man and Iron Fist Vol 3 #13
Ghost Rider Vol 8 #1 first story
Ghost Rider Vol 8 #2
Ghost Rider Vol 8 #3
Ghost Rider Vol 8 #4
Ghost Rider Vol 8 #5
Champions Vol 2 #1
Champions Vol 2 #2
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 4 #14
Ms. Marvel Vol 4 #13
Spider-Woman Vol 6 #13
Spider-Woman Vol 6 #14
Spider-Woman Vol 6 #15
Spider-Woman Vol 6 #16
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #13
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #14
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #15
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #16
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #17
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #18
Squadron Supreme Vol 4 #13
Squadron Supreme Vol 4 #14
Squadron Supreme Vol 4 #15
Foolkiller Vol 3 #1
Spider-Man 2099 Vol 3 #17
Venom Vol 3 #1
Deadpool Vol 4 #22
Thunderbolts Vol 3 #7
Thunderbolts Vol 3 #8
Thunderbolts Vol 3 #9
Captain America: Steve Rogers #7
Captain America: Steve Rogers #8
Captain America: Steve Rogers #9
Captain America: Steve Rogers #10
Thanos Vol 2 #1
All-New X-Men Vol 2 #15
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #14
Uncanny Inhumans #15
Uncanny Inhumans #16
Uncanny Inhumans #17
Ultimates 2 Vol 2 #1
Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! #12
Jessica Jones #2
Scarlet Witch Vol 2 #12
Spider-Man/Deadpool #11
Deadpool & the Mercs for Money Vol 2 #5
Unbelievable Gwenpool #8
Infamous Iron Man #2
Infamous Iron Man #3
Great Lakes Avengers Vol 2 #2
Unworthy Thor #1
Doctor Strange / Punisher: Magic Bullets Infinite Comic #1
Doctor Strange / Punisher: Magic Bullets Infinite Comic #2
Doctor Strange / Punisher: Magic Bullets Infinite Comic #3
Doctor Strange / Punisher: Magic Bullets Infinite Comic #4
Doctor Strange / Punisher: Magic Bullets Infinite Comic #5
Doctor Strange / Punisher: Magic Bullets Infinite Comic #6
Doctor Strange / Punisher: Magic Bullets Infinite Comic #7
Doctor Strange / Punisher: Magic Bullets Infinite Comic #8
Occupy Avengers #1
Ghost Rider Vol 8 #1 second story
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #14
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #15
Amazing Spider-Man Annual Vol 3 #1 first story
Uncanny X-Men Annual Vol 4 #1 first story
All-New X-Men Annual Vol 2 #1 first story
Amazing Spider-Man Annual Vol 3 #1 back up (Cloak and Dagger)
Uncanny X-Men Annual Vol 4 #1 second story
All-New X-Men Annual Vol 2 #1 second story
Amazing Spider-Man Annual Vol 3 #1 third story
Captain America: Sam Wilson #16
Invincible Iron Man Vol 4 #2
Totally Awesome Hulk #13
Mighty Captain Marvel #0
Silver Surfer Vol 8 #8
Black Widow Vol 6 #9
Champions Vol 2 #3
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 4 #15
Nova Vol 7 #1
Hulk Vol 4 #1
Hulk Vol 4 #2
Hulk Vol 4 #3
Hulk Vol 4 #4
Hulk Vol 4 #5
Hulk Vol 4 #6
Punisher Vol 11 #7
Hawkeye Vol 5 #1
Spider-Man Vol 2 #11
Foolkiller Vol 3 #2
Spider-Man 2099 Vol 3 #18
Venom Vol 3 #2
Venom Vol 3 #3
Deadpool Vol 4 #23
Thanos Vol 2 #2
All-New X-Men Vol 2 #16
Rocket Raccoon Vol 3 #1
Rocket Raccoon Vol 3 #2
Rocket Raccoon Vol 3 #3
Rocket Raccoon Vol 3 #4
Rocket Raccoon Vol 3 #5
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #15
Ultimates 2 Vol 2 #2
Star-Lord Vol 2 #1
Star-Lord Vol 2 #2
Star-Lord Vol 2 #3
Star-Lord Vol 2 #4
Star-Lord Vol 2 #5
Star-Lord Vol 2 #6
Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! #13
Jessica Jones #3
Slapstick Vol 2 #1
Scarlet Witch Vol 2 #13
Spider-Man/Deadpool #12
Deadpool & the Mercs for Money Vol 2 #6
Unbelievable Gwenpool #9
Great Lakes Avengers Vol 2 #3
Unworthy Thor #2
Occupy Avengers #2
Gwenpool Holiday Special: Merry Mix Up #1 first story
Gwenpool Holiday Special: Merry Mix Up #1 back up (Spider-Man/Miles Morales)
Gwenpool Holiday Special: Merry Mix Up #1 back up (Ronnie)
Gwenpool Holiday Special: Merry Mix Up #1 back up (Red Skull)
Gwenpool Holiday Special: Merry Mix Up #1 back up (Deadpool)
Inhumans vs. X-Men

IVX #0
IVX #1
Uncanny X-Men Vol 4 #16
Extraordinary X-Men #17
IVX #2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 4 #17
Uncanny Inhumans #18
Deadpool & the Mercs for Money Vol 2 #7
All-New X-Men Vol 2 #17
IVX #3
Extraordinary X-Men #18
Deadpool & the Mercs for Money Vol 2 #8
All-New X-Men Vol 2 #18
IVX #4
Uncanny Inhumans #19
Uncanny X-Men Vol 4 #18
IVX #5
Extraordinary X-Men #19
IVX #6
Uncanny Inhumans #20
Power Man and Iron Fist: Sweet Christmas Annual #1
Captain America: Sam Wilson #17
Totally Awesome Hulk #14
Mighty Thor Vol 2 #15
Mighty Thor Vol 2 #16
Mighty Thor Vol 2 #17
Mighty Thor Vol 2 #18
Mighty Thor Vol 2 #19
Invincible Iron Man Vol 4 #3
Invincible Iron Man Vol 4 #4
Invincible Iron Man Vol 4 #5
Daredevil Vol 5 #15
Daredevil Vol 5 #16
Mighty Captain Marvel #1
Mighty Captain Marvel #2
Mighty Captain Marvel #3
Mighty Captain Marvel #4
Black Widow Vol 6 #10
Champions Vol 2 #4
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 4 #16
Nova Vol 7 #2
Ms. Marvel Vol 4 #14
Ms. Marvel Vol 4 #15
Ms. Marvel Vol 4 #16
Ms. Marvel Vol 4 #17
Moon Knight Vol 8 #10
Moon Knight Vol 8 #11
Moon Knight Vol 8 #12
Moon Knight Vol 8 #13
Moon Knight Vol 8 #14
Punisher Vol 11 #8
Hawkeye Vol 5 #2
Spider-Man Vol 2 #12
Spider-Gwen Vol 2 #16
Spider-Man Vol 2 #13
Spider-Gwen Vol 2 #17
Spider-Man Vol 2 #14
Spider-Gwen Vol 2 #18
Foolkiller Vol 3 #3
Spider-Man 2099 Vol 3 #19
Deadpool Vol 4 #24
Thanos Vol 2 #3
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #16
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #16
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #17
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #18
Ultimates 2 Vol 2 #3
Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! #14
Jessica Jones #4
Slapstick Vol 2 #2
Scarlet Witch Vol 2 #14
Unbelievable Gwenpool #10
Infamous Iron Man #4
Infamous Iron Man #5
Great Lakes Avengers Vol 2 #4
Unworthy Thor #3
Occupy Avengers #3
Civil War II: The Oath #1
Deadpool the Duck #1
Deadpool the Duck #2
Deadpool the Duck #3
Deadpool the Duck #4
Deadpool the Duck #5
U.S.Avengers #1
U.S.Avengers #2
U.S.Avengers #3
Guardians of the Galaxy: Hi-Tech Heroes #1
Unstoppable Wasp #1
Unstoppable Wasp #2
Unstoppable Wasp #3
Unstoppable Wasp #4
Unstoppable Wasp #5
Unstoppable Wasp #6
Captain America: Sam Wilson #18
Totally Awesome Hulk #15
Totally Awesome Hulk #16
Totally Awesome Hulk #17
Totally Awesome Hulk #18
Deadpool Vol 4 #25
Monsters Unleashed

Monsters Unleashed Vol 2 #1
Avengers Vol 7 #1.MU
Spider-Man/Deadpool #1.MU
Monsters Unleashed Vol 2 #2
All-New X-Men Vol 2 #1.MU
Monsters Unleashed Vol 2 #3
Doctor Strange Vol 4 #1.MU
Uncanny Inhumans #1.MU
Champions Vol 2 #1.MU
Monsters Unleashed Vol 2 #4
Totally Awesome Hulk #1.MU first story
Totally Awesome Hulk #1.MU second story
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 4 #1.MU
Monsters Unleashed Vol 2 #5
Captain America: Steve Rogers #11
Captain America: Sam Wilson #19
Doctor Strange Vol 4 #17
Daredevil Vol 5 #17
Daredevil Vol 5 #18
Daredevil Vol 5 #19
Daredevil Vol 5 #20
Black Widow Vol 6 #11
Champions Vol 2 #5
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 4 #17
Nova Vol 7 #3
Punisher Vol 11 #9
Hawkeye Vol 5 #3
Foolkiller Vol 3 #4
Spider-Man 2099 Vol 3 #20
Venom Vol 3 #4
Venom Vol 3 #5
Elektra Vol 4 #1
Elektra Vol 4 #2
Elektra Vol 4 #3
Elektra Vol 4 #4
Elektra Vol 4 #5
Deadpool Vol 4 #26
Thunderbolts Vol 3 #10
Thunderbolts Vol 3 #11
Kingpin Vol 3 #1
Kingpin Vol 3 #2
Kingpin Vol 3 #3
Kingpin Vol 3 #4
Kingpin Vol 3 #5
Thanos Vol 2 #4
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #17
Ultimates 2 Vol 2 #4
Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! #15
Jessica Jones #5
Slapstick Vol 2 #3
Scarlet Witch Vol 2 #15
Unbelievable Gwenpool #11
Great Lakes Avengers Vol 2 #5
Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme #5
Unworthy Thor #4
Occupy Avengers #4
Bullseye #1 first story
Bullseye #2
Bullseye #3
Bullseye #4
Bullseye #5
Guardians of the Galaxy: EcoSport Adventure #1
Bullseye #1 second story
Captain America: Steve Rogers #12
Deadpool Vol 4 #27
Unbelievable Gwenpool #12
Captain America: Steve Rogers #13
Captain America: Sam Wilson #20
Doctor Strange Vol 4 #18
Uncanny X-Men Vol 4 #19
Silver Surfer Vol 8 #9
Black Widow Vol 6 #12
Power Man and Iron Fist Vol 3 #14
Power Man and Iron Fist Vol 3 #15
Man-Thing Vol 5 #1 first story
Man-Thing Vol 5 #2 first story
Man-Thing Vol 5 #3 first story
Man-Thing Vol 5 #4 first story
Man-Thing Vol 5 #5 first story
Iron Fist Vol 5 #1
Iron Fist Vol 5 #2
Iron Fist Vol 5 #3
Iron Fist Vol 5 #4
Iron Fist Vol 5 #5
Champions Vol 2 #6
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 4 #18
Nova Vol 7 #4
Spider-Woman Vol 6 #17
Punisher Vol 11 #10
Hawkeye Vol 5 #4
Foolkiller Vol 3 #5
Spider-Man 2099 Vol 3 #21
Deadpool Vol 4 #28
Spider-Man/Deadpool #15
Deadpool & the Mercs for Money Vol 2 #9
Spider-Man/Deadpool #16
Deadpool & the Mercs for Money Vol 2 #10
Deadpool Vol 4 #29
Thanos Vol 2 #5
All-New X-Men Vol 2 #19
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #18
Silk Vol 2 #18
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #19
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #20
Extraordinary X-Men #20
Ultimates 2 Vol 2 #5
Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! #16
Jessica Jones #6
Slapstick Vol 2 #4
Unbelievable Gwenpool #13
Infamous Iron Man #6
Great Lakes Avengers Vol 2 #6
Prowler Vol 2 #6
Mosaic #6
Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme #6
Unworthy Thor #5
Occupy Avengers #5
U.S.Avengers #4 first story
U.S.Avengers #4 second story
U.S.Avengers #4 third story
U.S.Avengers #4 fourth story
America #1
Inhumans Prime #1
X-Men Prime Vol 2 #1
Totally Awesome Hulk #1.MU back up (Maddy Cho)
Captain America: Steve Rogers #14
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #25 first story
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #26
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #27
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #28
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #25 second story
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #25 third story
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #25 fourth story
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #25 fifth story
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #25 back up (May Parker)
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #25 back up (Superior Octopus)
Uncanny Avengers Vol 3 #18
Uncanny Avengers Vol 3 #19
Uncanny Avengers Vol 3 #20
Uncanny Avengers Vol 3 #21
Uncanny Avengers Vol 3 #22
Captain America: Steve Rogers #15
Captain America: Sam Wilson #21
Invincible Iron Man Vol 4 #6
Doctor Strange Vol 4 #19
Nick Fury #1
Silver Surfer Vol 8 #10
Monsters Unleashed Vol 3 #1
Monsters Unleashed Vol 3 #2
Monsters Unleashed Vol 3 #3
Monsters Unleashed Vol 3 #4
Monsters Unleashed Vol 3 #5
Black Panther Vol 6 #13
Black Panther Vol 6 #14
Black Panther Vol 6 #15
Black Panther Vol 6 #16
Black Panther Vol 6 #17
Black Panther Vol 6 #18
Champions Vol 2 #7
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 4 #19
Nova Vol 7 #5
Punisher Vol 11 #11
Hawkeye Vol 5 #5
Hawkeye Vol 5 #6
All-New Wolverine #19
All-New Wolverine #20
All-New Wolverine #21
Spider-Man Vol 2 #15
Spider-Man 2099 Vol 3 #22
Venom Vol 3 #6
Weapon X Vol 3 #1
Thanos Vol 2 #6
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #21
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #22
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #23
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #24
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #19
Silk Vol 2 #19
Ultimates 2 Vol 2 #6
Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! #17
Jessica Jones #7
Slapstick Vol 2 #5
Unbelievable Gwenpool #14
Unbelievable Gwenpool #15
Infamous Iron Man #7
Infamous Iron Man #8
Infamous Iron Man #9
Infamous Iron Man #10
Great Lakes Avengers Vol 2 #7
Mosaic #7
Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme #7
Occupy Avengers #6
America #2
Royals #1
X-Men: Blue #1
X-Men: Gold Vol 2 #1
X-Men: Gold Vol 2 #2
X-Men: Gold Vol 2 #3
Guardians of the Galaxy: Dream On #1 first story
Deadpool vs. The Punisher #1
Deadpool vs. The Punisher #2
Deadpool vs. The Punisher #3
Deadpool vs. The Punisher #4
Deadpool vs. The Punisher #5
Weapon X Vol 3 #2
Royals #2
X-Men: Blue #2
Doctor Strange Vol 4 #20
Avengers Vol 7 #7
Avengers Vol 7 #8
Champions Vol 2 #8
All-New Guardians of the Galaxy #1
Deadpool Vol 4 #30
Occupy Avengers #7
X-Men: Blue #3
X-Men: Blue #4
X-Men: Gold Vol 2 #4
X-Men: Gold Vol 2 #5
X-Men: Gold Vol 2 #6
Champions Vol 2 #9
X-Men: Blue #5
X-Men: Blue #6
Secret Empire

U.S.Avengers #5
Thunderbolts Vol 3 #12
Captain America: Steve Rogers #16
Secret Empire #0
Mighty Captain Marvel #5
U.S.Avengers #6
Uncanny Avengers Vol 3 #24
Uncanny Avengers Vol 3 #25
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #29
Free Comic Book Day Vol 2017 #Secret Empire first story
Free Comic Book Day Vol 2017 #Secret Empire second story
U.S.Avengers #7
X-Men: Gold Vol 2 #7
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #30
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #31
Avengers Vol 7 #9
U.S.Avengers #8
U.S.Avengers #9
Champions Vol 2 #10
Secret Empire #1
Deadpool Vol 4 #31
Deadpool Vol 4 #32
Deadpool Vol 4 #33
Occupy Avengers #8
Occupy Avengers #9
Doctor Strange Vol 4 #21
Doctor Strange Vol 4 #22
Doctor Strange Vol 4 #23
Doctor Strange Vol 4 #24
Secret Empire #2
Champions Vol 2 #11
Captain America: Sam Wilson #22
Captain America: Steve Rogers #17
Mighty Captain Marvel #6
All-New Guardians of the Galaxy Annual #1
Secret Empire #3
Secret Empire: Uprising #1
Captain America: Sam Wilson #23
Secret Empire #4
Secret Empire: United #1
Captain America: Steve Rogers #18
X-Men: Blue #7
X-Men: Blue #8
X-Men: Blue #9
Secret Empire: Underground #1
Avengers Vol 7 #10
Deadpool Vol 4 #34
Secret Warriors Vol 2 #1
Secret Warriors Vol 2 #2
Secret Warriors Vol 2 #3
Secret Warriors Vol 2 #4
Secret Empire #5
Secret Empire #6
Mighty Captain Marvel #7
Ultimates 2 Vol 2 #7
Ultimates 2 Vol 2 #8
Ultimates 2 Vol 2 #9
Ultimates 2 #100
Secret Empire #7
Captain America: Sam Wilson #24
Captain America: Steve Rogers #19
Captain America Vol 8 #25
Secret Warriors Vol 2 #5
Secret Empire: Brave New World #1 (Namor)
Secret Empire: Brave New World #2 (Namor)
Secret Empire: Brave New World #3 (Namor)
Secret Empire: Brave New World #4 (Namor)
Secret Empire: Brave New World #5 (Namor)
Secret Empire: Brave New World #1 (Giant-Man)
Secret Empire: Brave New World #1 (Petra Pena)
Secret Empire: Brave New World #2 (Patriot)
Secret Empire: Brave New World #2 (Bob)
Secret Empire: Brave New World #3 (Daily Bugle)
Secret Empire: Brave New World #3 (Starbrand)
Secret Empire: Brave New World #4 (Misty Knight)
Secret Empire: Brave New World #4 (Emma Frost)
Secret Empire: Brave New World #5 (Blade)
Secret Empire: Brave New World #5 (Domino)
Secret Empire #8
Mighty Captain Marvel #8
Secret Empire #9
Secret Empire #10
Generations: Banner Hulk & The Totally Awesome Hulk #1
Generations: Phoenix & Jean Grey #1
Generations: Wolverine & All-New Wolverine #1
Generations: The Unworthy Thor & The Mighty Thor #1
Generations: Hawkeye & Hawkeye #1
Generations: Iron Man & Ironheart #1
Generations: Captain Marvel & Captain Mar-Vell #1
Generations: Ms. Marvel & Ms. Marvel #1
Generations: Miles Morales Spider-Man & Peter Parker Spider-Man #1
Generations: Sam Wilson Captain America & Steve Rogers Captain America #1
Deadpool Vol 4 #35
X-Men: Gold Vol 2 #8
Secret Empire Omega #1
Invincible Iron Man Vol 4 #7
Nick Fury #2
Silver Surfer Vol 8 #11
Luke Cage #1
Nova Vol 7 #6
Ms. Marvel Vol 4 #18
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #19
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #20
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #21
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #22
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #23
Punisher Vol 11 #12
Spider-Man Vol 2 #16
Spider-Man 2099 Vol 3 #23
Venom #150 first story
Cable Vol 3 #1
Cable Vol 3 #2
Cable Vol 3 #3
Cable Vol 3 #4
Cable Vol 3 #5
Generation X Vol 2 #1
Thanos Vol 2 #7
Uncanny Avengers Vol 3 #23
Rocket #1
Rocket #2
Rocket #3
Rocket #4
Rocket #5
Rocket #6
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #20
Jessica Jones #8
Slapstick Vol 2 #6
Mosaic #8
Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme #8
Weapon X Vol 3 #3
America #3
Royals #3
Black Bolt #1
Black Bolt #2
Black Bolt #3
Black Bolt #4
Black Bolt #5
Black Bolt #6
Deadpool: Bad Blood #1
Guardians of the Galaxy: Mission Breakout #1
Free Comic Book Day Vol 2017 #All-New Guardians of the Galaxy first story
Guardians of the Galaxy: Mother Entropy #1
Guardians of the Galaxy: Mother Entropy #2
Guardians of the Galaxy: Mother Entropy #3
Guardians of the Galaxy: Mother Entropy #4
Guardians of the Galaxy: Mother Entropy #5
Jean Grey #1
Venom #150 second story
Free Comic Book Day Vol 2017 #All-New Guardians of the Galaxy back up (Jessica Jones)
Venom #150 third story
All-New Guardians of the Galaxy #2
Generation X Vol 2 #2
Unbelievable Gwenpool #16
Unbelievable Gwenpool #17
Jean Grey #2
Star-Lord Annual #1
Mighty Thor Vol 2 #20
Invincible Iron Man Vol 4 #8
Daredevil Vol 5 #21
Daredevil Vol 5 #22
Daredevil Vol 5 #23
Daredevil Vol 5 #24
Daredevil Vol 5 #25
Nick Fury #3
Silver Surfer Vol 8 #12
Defenders Vol 5 #1
Luke Cage #2
All-New Guardians of the Galaxy #3
Nova Vol 7 #7
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #1 first story
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #2
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #3
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #4
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #5
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #6
Ms. Marvel Vol 4 #19
Ms. Marvel Vol 4 #20
Ms. Marvel Vol 4 #21
Ms. Marvel Vol 4 #22
Hulk Vol 4 #7
Hulk Vol 4 #8
Punisher Vol 11 #13
Hawkeye Vol 5 #7
Spider-Man Vol 2 #17
Spider-Man 2099 Vol 3 #24
Venom #151
Venom #152
Venom #153
Generation X Vol 2 #3
Thanos Vol 2 #8
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #21
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #25
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #26
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #27
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #28
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #29
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #30
Jessica Jones #9
Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme #9
America #4
Royals #4
Jean Grey #3
Iceman Vol 3 #1
Totally Awesome Hulk #19
Weapon X Vol 3 #4
Weapons of Mutant Destruction: Alpha #1
Totally Awesome Hulk #20
Weapon X Vol 3 #5
Totally Awesome Hulk #21
Weapon X Vol 3 #6
Totally Awesome Hulk #22
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #1 second story
Defenders Vol 5 #2
All-New Guardians of the Galaxy #4
Iceman Vol 3 #2
Edge of Venomverse #1
Edge of Venomverse #2
Edge of Venomverse #3
Edge of Venomverse #4
Edge of Venomverse #5
Mighty Thor Vol 2 #21
Invincible Iron Man Vol 4 #9
Nick Fury #4
Defenders Vol 5 #3
Luke Cage #3
All-New Guardians of the Galaxy #5
Punisher Vol 11 #14
Hawkeye Vol 5 #8
All-New Wolverine #22
All-New Wolverine #23
All-New Wolverine #24
Spider-Man Vol 2 #18
Spider-Man 2099 Vol 3 #25
Generation X Vol 2 #4
Thanos Vol 2 #9
Astonishing X-Men Vol 4 #1
Astonishing X-Men Vol 4 #2
Astonishing X-Men Vol 4 #3
Astonishing X-Men Vol 4 #4
Astonishing X-Men Vol 4 #5
Astonishing X-Men Vol 4 #6
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #22 first story
Jessica Jones #10
Spider-Man/Deadpool #19
Unbelievable Gwenpool #18
Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme #10
Unstoppable Wasp #7
America #5
Royals #5
Jean Grey #4
Iceman Vol 3 #3
Spider-Men II #1
Spider-Men II #2
Spider-Men II #3
Spider-Men II #4
Spider-Men II #5
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #22 back up (Kraven)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #23 back up (Kraven)
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #24 back up (Kraven)
All-New Guardians of the Galaxy #6
Immortal Iron Fists #1
Immortal Iron Fists #2
Immortal Iron Fists #3
Immortal Iron Fists #4
Immortal Iron Fists #5
Immortal Iron Fists #6
Mighty Thor Vol 2 #22
Invincible Iron Man Vol 4 #10
Nick Fury #5
Defenders Vol 5 #4
Iron Fist Vol 5 #6
All-New Guardians of the Galaxy #7
Punisher Vol 11 #15
Hawkeye Vol 5 #9
Thanos Vol 2 #10
Unbelievable Gwenpool #19
Infamous Iron Man #11
Infamous Iron Man #12
Weapon X Vol 3 #7
Weapon X Vol 3 #8
Weapon X Vol 3 #9
Weapon X Vol 3 #10
Weapon X Vol 3 #11
X-Men: Gold Vol 2 #9
Royals #6
Iceman Vol 3 #5
Inhumans: Once and Future Kings #1 second story
All-New Guardians of the Galaxy #8
X-Men: Blue #10
X-Men: Blue #11
X-Men: Blue #12
X-Men: Gold Vol 2 #10
X-Men: Gold Vol 2 #11
Jean Grey #6
Alternate reality - Venomverse: War Stories #1 first story
Alternate reality - Venomverse: War Stories #1 second story
Alternate reality - Venomverse: War Stories #1 third story
Alternate reality - Venomverse: War Stories #1 fourth story
Alternate reality - Venomverse: War Stories #1 fifth story
Totally Awesome Hulk #23
Mighty Thor Vol 2 #23
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #32
Invincible Iron Man Vol 4 #11
Doctor Strange Vol 4 #25
Avengers Vol 7 #11
Daredevil Vol 5 #26
Daredevil Vol 5 #27
Daredevil Vol 5 #28
Nick Fury #6
Mighty Captain Marvel #9
Defenders Vol 5 #5
Monsters Unleashed Vol 3 #6
Luke Cage #5
Iron Fist Vol 5 #7
All-New Guardians of the Galaxy #9
Champions Vol 2 #12
Hulk Vol 4 #10
Punisher Vol 11 #16
Hawkeye Vol 5 #10
Spider-Man Vol 2 #20
Venom #154
Generation X Vol 2 #6
Deadpool Vol 4 #36
Runaways Vol 5 #1
Runaways Vol 5 #2
Runaways Vol 5 #3
Runaways Vol 5 #4
Runaways Vol 5 #5
Runaways Vol 5 #6
Thanos Vol 2 #11
Secret Warriors Vol 2 #6
Secret Warriors Vol 2 #7
Uncanny Avengers Vol 3 #27
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #24 first story
Jessica Jones #12
Spider-Man/Deadpool #21
Spider-Man/Deadpool #22
Unbelievable Gwenpool #20
Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme #12
U.S.Avengers #10
America #7
Royals #7
Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider #1
Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider #2
Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider #3
Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider #4
Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider #5
Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider #6
Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider #7
Jean Grey #7
Iceman Vol 3 #5
Marvel Legacy #1
Venomverse #1
Venomverse #2
Venomverse #3
Venomverse #4
Venomverse #5
Thor vs. Hulk: Champions of the Universe #1
Thor vs. Hulk: Champions of the Universe #2
Thor vs. Hulk: Champions of the Universe #3
Thor vs. Hulk: Champions of the Universe #4
Thor vs. Hulk: Champions of the Universe #5
Thor vs. Hulk: Champions of the Universe #6
Inhumans: Once and Future Kings #2 second story
All-New Guardians of the Galaxy #10
Royals #8
Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider #8
Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider #9
X-Men: Gold Vol 2 #12
Incredible Hulk #709 first story
Incredible Hulk #710
Incredible Hulk #711
Incredible Hulk #712
Incredible Hulk #713
Venomized #1
Venomized #2
Venomized #3
Venomized #4
Venomized #5
Mighty Thor #700
Mighty Thor #701
Mighty Thor #702
Mighty Thor #703
Mighty Thor #704
Mighty Thor #705
Mighty Thor #706
Amazing Spider-Man #789
Amazing Spider-Man #790
Amazing Spider-Man #791
Not Brand Echh #14 first story
Not Brand Echh #14 second story
Not Brand Echh #14 third story
Not Brand Echh #14 fourth story
Not Brand Echh #14 sixth story
Not Brand Echh #14 seventh story
Not Brand Echh #14 eighth story
Not Brand Echh #14 ninth story
Not Brand Echh #14 tenth story
Invincible Iron Man #593
Invincible Iron Man #594
Invincible Iron Man #595
Invincible Iron Man #596
Invincible Iron Man #597
Invincible Iron Man #598
Invincible Iron Man #599
Invincible Iron Man #600
Doctor Strange Vol 4 #26
Avengers #672
Champions Vol 2 #13
Avengers #673
Champions Vol 2 #14
Avengers #674
Champions Vol 2 #15
Captain Marvel #125
Captain Marvel #126
Captain Marvel #127
Captain Marvel #128
Captain Marvel #129
Silver Surfer Vol 8 #14
Defenders Vol 5 #6
Defenders Vol 5 #7
Defenders Vol 5 #8
Defenders Vol 5 #9
Defenders Vol 5 #10
Monsters Unleashed Vol 3 #7
Monsters Unleashed Vol 3 #8
Luke Cage #166
Luke Cage #167
Luke Cage #168
Luke Cage #169
Luke Cage #170
Black Panther #166
Black Panther #167
Black Panther #168
Black Panther #169
Black Panther #170
Black Panther #171
Black Panther #172
Iron Fist #73
Iron Fist #74
Iron Fist #75
Iron Fist #76
Iron Fist #77
All-New Guardians of the Galaxy #11
Ms. Marvel Vol 4 #23
Ms. Marvel Vol 4 #24
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #24 first story
Hulk Vol 4 #11
Punisher Vol 11 #17
Hawkeye Vol 5 #11
All-New Wolverine #25
All-New Wolverine #26
All-New Wolverine #27
All-New Wolverine #28
All-New Wolverine #29
All-New Wolverine #30
Spider-Man Vol 2 #21
Spirits of Vengeance #1
Spirits of Vengeance #2
Spirits of Vengeance #3
Spirits of Vengeance #4
Spirits of Vengeance #5
Venom #155
Venom #156
Venom #157
Venom #158
Cable #150
Cable #151
Cable #152
Cable #153
Cable #154
Generation X Vol 2 #7
Despicable Deadpool #287
Despicable Deadpool #288
Despicable Deadpool #289
Despicable Deadpool #290
Despicable Deadpool #291
Thanos Vol 2 #12
Uncanny Avengers Vol 3 #28
Uncanny Avengers Vol 3 #29
Uncanny Avengers Vol 3 #30
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #25
Jessica Jones #13
Jessica Jones #14
Jessica Jones #15
Jessica Jones #16
Jessica Jones #17
Unbelievable Gwenpool #21
Unbelievable Gwenpool #22
Unbelievable Gwenpool #23
U.S.Avengers #11
U.S.Avengers #12
America #8
America #9
America #10
Royals #9
Royals #10
Royals #11
Royals #12
X-Men: Gold Vol 2 #13
X-Men: Blue #13
X-Men: Gold Vol 2 #14
X-Men: Blue #14
X-Men: Gold Vol 2 #15
X-Men: Blue #15
Jean Grey #8
Jean Grey #9
Jean Grey #10
Iceman Vol 3 #6
Iceman Vol 3 #7
Black Panther: Soul of a Machine #1
Black Panther: Soul of a Machine #2
Black Panther: Soul of a Machine #3
Black Panther: Soul of a Machine #4
Black Panther: Soul of a Machine #5
Black Panther: Soul of a Machine #6
Black Panther: Soul of a Machine #7
Black Panther: Soul of a Machine #8
Deadpool vs. Old Man Logan #1
Deadpool vs. Old Man Logan #2
Deadpool vs. Old Man Logan #3
Deadpool vs. Old Man Logan #4
Deadpool vs. Old Man Logan #5
Falcon Vol 2 #1
Falcon Vol 2 #2
Falcon Vol 2 #3
Falcon Vol 2 #4
Falcon Vol 2 #5
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #24 second story
Inhumans: Once and Future Kings #3 second story
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #24 third story
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #24 fourth story
All-New Guardians of the Galaxy #12


Çeviri & Balonlama
5 Ara 2016

Captain America #695
Captain America #696
Captain America #697
Doctor Strange #381
Doctor Strange #382
Doctor Strange #383
Doctor Strange #384
Doctor Strange #385
Daredevil #595
Daredevil #596
Daredevil #597
Daredevil #598
Daredevil #599
Daredevil #600
Master of Kung Fu #126
Power Pack #63
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #6
Guardians of the Galaxy #146
Guardians of the Galaxy #147
Guardians of the Galaxy #148
Guardians of the Galaxy #149
Guardians of the Galaxy #150
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #25
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #26
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #27
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #28
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #29
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #30
She-Hulk #159
She-Hulk #160
She-Hulk #161
She-Hulk #162
She-Hulk #163
Moon Knight #188
Moon Knight #189
Moon Knight #190
Moon Knight #191
Moon Knight #192
Moon Knight #193
Hawkeye Vol 5 #12
Punisher Vol 2 #218
Punisher Vol 2 #219
Punisher Vol 2 #220
Punisher Vol 2 #221
Punisher Vol 2 #222
Punisher Vol 2 #223
Spider-Man #234
Spider-Man #235
Spider-Man #236
Spider-Man #237
Spider-Man #238
Spider-Man #239
Darkhawk #51
Silver Sable and the Wild Pack #36
Generation X Vol 2 #8
Thanos Vol 2 #13
Thanos Vol 2 #14
Thanos Vol 2 #15
Thanos Vol 2 #16
Thanos Vol 2 #17
Thanos Vol 2 #18
Secret Warriors Vol 2 #8
Secret Warriors Vol 2 #9
Secret Warriors Vol 2 #10
Secret Warriors Vol 2 #11
Secret Warriors Vol 2 #12
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #26
Spider-Man/Deadpool #23
Spider-Man/Deadpool #24
Spider-Man/Deadpool #25
Black Bolt #7
Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider #10
Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider #11
Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider #12
Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider #13

Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #297
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #298
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #299
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #300 first story
Generation X Vol 2 #9
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #31
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #32
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #33
X-Men: Blue #16
X-Men: Blue #17
X-Men: Blue #18
X-Men: Blue #19
X-Men: Blue #20
X-Men: Gold Vol 2 #16
X-Men: Gold Vol 2 #17
X-Men: Gold Vol 2 #18
X-Men: Gold Vol 2 #19
X-Men: Gold Vol 2 #20
Inhumans: Once and Future Kings #4 second story

Monsters Unleashed Vol 3 #9
Monsters Unleashed Vol 3 #10
Monsters Unleashed Vol 3 #11
Monsters Unleashed Vol 3 #12
Marvel 2-In-One #1 (Thing & Human Torch)
Marvel 2-In-One #2 (Thing & Human Torch)
Marvel 2-In-One #3 (Thing & Human Torch)
Marvel 2-In-One #4 (Thing & Human Torch)
Marvel 2-In-One #5 (Thing & Human Torch)
Marvel 2-In-One #6 (Thing & Human Torch)
Ms. Marvel Vol 4 #25
Ms. Marvel Vol 4 #26
Ms. Marvel Vol 4 #27
Ms. Marvel Vol 4 #28
Hawkeye Vol 5 #13
Hawkeye Vol 5 #14
Hawkeye Vol 5 #15
Hawkeye Vol 5 #16
Generation X #85
Generation X #86
Generation X #87
Weapon X Vol 3 #12
Weapon X Vol 3 #13
Weapon X Vol 3 #14
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #27
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #28
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #29
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #30
Iceman Vol 3 #8
Black Bolt #8
Black Bolt #9
Black Bolt #10
Black Bolt #11
Black Bolt #12
Black Panther: Long Live The King #1
Venom Inc.
Amazing Spider-Man: Venom Inc. Alpha #1
Amazing Spider-Man #792
Venom #159
Amazing Spider-Man #793
Venom #160
Amazing Spider-Man: Venom Inc. Omega #1
Phoenix Resurrection: The Return of Jean Grey # 1
Phoenix Resurrection: The Return of Jean Grey # 2
Phoenix Resurrection: The Return of Jean Grey # 3
Phoenix Resurrection: The Return of Jean Grey # 4
Phoenix Resurrection: The Return of Jean Grey # 5
X-Men: Red Annual #1
Jean Grey #11
Tales of Suspense #100 (Hawkeye & Winter Soldier)
Tales of Suspense #101 (Hawkeye & Winter Soldier)
Tales of Suspense #102 (Hawkeye & Winter Soldier)
Tales of Suspense #103 (Hawkeye & Winter Soldier)
Tales of Suspense #104 (Hawkeye & Winter Soldier)
Inhumans: Once and Future Kings #5 second story

Black Panther: Long Live The King #2

Amazing Spider-Man #794 first story
Amazing Spider-Man #795
Amazing Spider-Man Annual #42 first story
Amazing Spider-Man #796
Avengers #675
Avengers #676
Avengers #677
Avengers #678
Avengers #679
Avengers #680
Avengers #681
Avengers #682
Avengers #683
Avengers #684
Avengers #685
Avengers #686
Avengers #687
Avengers #688
Avengers #689
Avengers #690
Champions Vol 2 #16
Champions Vol 2 #17
Champions Vol 2 #18
Despicable Deadpool #292
Despicable Deadpool #293
Despicable Deadpool #294
Despicable Deadpool #295
Despicable Deadpool #296
Astonishing X-Men Vol 4 #7
Astonishing X-Men Vol 4 #8
Astonishing X-Men Vol 4 #9
Astonishing X-Men Vol 4 #10
Astonishing X-Men Vol 4 #11
Astonishing X-Men Vol 4 #12
Unbelievable Gwenpool #24
Unbelievable Gwenpool #25
Spider-Man/Deadpool #26
Iceman Vol 3 #9
Iceman Vol 3 #10
America #11
America #12
Black Panther: Long Live The King #3
Black Panther: Long Live The King #4
Legion #1
Legion #2
Legion #3
Legion #4
Legion #5
Inhumans: Judgment Day #1
Red Goblin: Red Death #1 first story

X-Men: Gold Annual #1 first story
Amazing Spider-Man #794 back up (Logan)
X-Men: Gold Annual #1 second story

Old Man Logan Vol 2 #34
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #35
Red Goblin: Red Death #1 second story


Çeviri & Balonlama
5 Ara 2016
Captain America #698
Captain America #699
Captain America #700 first story
All-New Wolverine #31
Venom #161
Spider-Man/Deadpool #27
Spider-Man/Deadpool #28
Spider-Man/Deadpool #29
Spider-Man/Deadpool #30
Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider #14
X-Men: Blue Annual #1
X-Men: Blue #21
Venom #162
X-Men: Blue #22
Venom #163
X-Men: Gold Vol 2 #21
X-Men: Gold Vol 2 #22
Black Panther: Long Live The King #5
X-Men: Red #1
X-Men: Red #2
X-Men: Red #3
X-Men: Red #4
X-Men: Red #5
X-Men: Red #6
X-Men: Red #7
X-Men: Red #8
X-Men: Red #9
X-Men: Red #10
X-Men: Red #11
Infinity Countdown: Adam Warlock #1
Infinity Countdown Prime #1
Doctor Strange: Damnation #1
Doctor Strange #386
Doctor Strange: Damnation #2
Doctor Strange #387
Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider #15
Doctor Strange: Damnation #3
Iron Fist #78
Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider #16
Iron Fist #79
Damnation: Johnny Blaze - Ghost Rider #1
Doctor Strange #388
Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider #17
Iron Fist #80
Doctor Strange: Damnation #4
Doctor Strange #389
Lockjaw #1
Lockjaw #2
Lockjaw #3
Lockjaw #4
Black Panther: The Sound and the Fury #1
Rogue & Gambit #1
Rogue & Gambit #2
Rogue & Gambit #3
Rogue & Gambit #4
Rogue & Gambit #5
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #300 back up (Black cat)

Black Panther: Long Live The King #6
Amazing Spider-Man Annual #42 second story

Amazing Spider-Man #797
Amazing Spider-Man #798
Amazing Spider-Man #799
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #301
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #302
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #303
All-New Wolverine #32
Cable #155
Cable #156
Cable #157
Cable #158
Cable #159 first story
Weapon X Vol 3 #15
Weapon X Vol 3 #16
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #36
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #37
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #38
Jessica Jones #18
Iceman Vol 3 #11
Falcon Vol 2 #6
Falcon Vol 2 #7
Falcon Vol 2 #8
X-Men: Blue #23
X-Men: Blue #24
X-Men: Blue #25
X-Men: Blue #26
X-Men: Blue #27first story
X-Men: Blue #28
X-Men: Gold Vol 2 #23
X-Men: Gold Vol 2 #24
X-Men: Gold Vol 2 #25
Infinity Countdown #1
Incredible Hulk #714 first story
Incredible Hulk # 715
Incredible Hulk # 716
Incredible Hulk #717
Free Comic Book Day Vol 2018 #Amazing Spider-Man
New Mutants: Dead Souls #1
New Mutants: Dead Souls #2
New Mutants: Dead Souls #3
New Mutants: Dead Souls #4
New Mutants: Dead Souls #5
New Mutants: Dead Souls #6
Free Comic Book Day Vol 2018 #Avengers first story
Weapon H #1 first story
Weapon H #2
Iron Man: Hong Kong Heroes #1
Incredible Hulk #714 back up (Logan)
Free Comic Book Day Vol 2018 #Avengers second story
Weapon H #1 back up (Sonia Song)

Despicable Deadpool #297
Despicable Deadpool #298
Despicable Deadpool #299
Despicable Deadpool #300
Red Goblin: Red Death #1 third story

Captain America #700 first story
Daredevil #601
Daredevil #602
Daredevil #603
Daredevil #604
Daredevil #605
Champions Vol 2 #19
Champions Vol 2 #20
Champions Vol 2 #21
Ms. Marvel Vol 4 #29
Ms. Marvel Vol 4 #30
Moon Knight #194
All-New Wolverine #33
All-New Wolverine #34
All-New Wolverine #35
Venom #164
Venom #165
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #31
Spider-Man/Deadpool #31
Spider-Man/Deadpool #32
Spider-Man/Deadpool #33
Infinity Countdown #2
Marvel Rising #0
Hunt for Wolverine #1 first story
Alternate reality - Exiles Vol 3 #1
Domino Vol 3 #1
Domino Vol 3 #2
Domino Vol 3 #3
Domino Vol 3 #4
Domino Vol 3 #5
Domino Vol 3 #6
Thanos Annual Vol 2 #1 first story
Thanos Annual Vol 2 #1 second story
Thanos Annual Vol 2 #1 third story
Thanos Annual Vol 2 #1 fourth story
Thanos Annual Vol 2 #1 fifth story
Thanos Annual Vol 2 #1 sixth story
Thanos: The Infinity Siblings #1
Captain America #700 second story
Hunt for Wolverine #1 second story

X-Men: Gold Vol 2 #26
X-Men: Gold Vol 2 #27
X-Men: Gold Vol 2 #28
X-Men: Gold Vol 2 #29
X-Men: Gold Vol 2 #30
Alternate reality - Exiles Vol 3 #2
Venom: First Host #1
Venom: First Host #2
Venom: First Host #3
Venom: First Host #4
Venom: First Host #5

Captain America #701
Captain America #702
Captain America #703
Captain America #704
Amazing Spider-Man #800 first story
Amazing Spider-Man #800 second story
Amazing Spider-Man #800 third story
Amazing Spider-Man #800 fourth story
Thor Vol 5 #1 first story
Avengers Vol 8 #1
Avengers Vol 8 #2
Avengers Vol 8 #3
Avengers Vol 8 #4
Avengers Vol 8 #5
Avengers Vol 8 #6
Black Panther Vol 7 #1
Black Panther Vol 7 #2
Black Panther Vol 7 #3
Black Panther Vol 7 #4
Black Panther Vol 7 #5
Black Panther Vol 7 #6
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #304
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #305
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #31
Moon Knight #195
Punisher Vol 2 #224
Punisher Vol 2 #225
Punisher Vol 2 #226
Punisher Vol 2 #227
Punisher Vol 2 #228
Spider-Man #240
Venom Vol 4 #1
Venom Vol 4 #2
Venom Vol 4 #3
Venom Vol 4 #4
Venom Vol 4 #5
Venom Vol 4 #6
Weapon X Vol 3 #17
Weapon X Vol 3 #18
Weapon X Vol 3 #19
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #39
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #40
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #32
Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider #18
Infinity Countdown #3
Weapon H #3
Alternate reality - Exiles Vol 3 #3
Infinity Countdown: Captain Marvel #1
Infinity Countdown: Darkhawk #1
Infinity Countdown: Darkhawk #2
Infinity Countdown: Darkhawk #3
Infinity Countdown: Darkhawk #4
Mighty Thor: At the Gates of Valhalla #1 first story
Infinity Countdown: Daredevil #1
Hunt for Wolverine: Mystery in Madripoor #1
Hunt for Wolverine: Mystery in Madripoor #2
Hunt for Wolverine: Mystery in Madripoor #3
Hunt for Wolverine: Mystery in Madripoor #4
Hunt for Wolverine: Adamantium Agenda #1
Hunt for Wolverine: Adamantium Agenda #2
Hunt for Wolverine: Adamantium Agenda #3
Hunt for Wolverine: Adamantium Agenda #4
Hunt for Wolverine: Weapon Lost #1
Hunt for Wolverine: Weapon Lost #2
Hunt for Wolverine: Weapon Lost #3
Hunt for Wolverine: Weapon Lost #4
Quicksilver: No Surrender #1
Quicksilver: No Surrender #2
Quicksilver: No Surrender #3
Quicksilver: No Surrender #4
Quicksilver: No Surrender #5
X-Men: The Wedding Special #1 first story
X-Men: The Wedding Special #1 second story
Hunt for Wolverine: Claws of a Killer #1
Hunt for Wolverine: Claws of a Killer #2
Hunt for Wolverine: Claws of a Killer #3
Hunt for Wolverine: Claws of a Killer #4
Thor Vol 5 #1 second story
X-Men: Blue #27second story
Mighty Thor: At the Gates of Valhalla #1 back up (Malekith)
Amazing Spider-Man #800 fifth story
Amazing Spider-Man #800 back up (Harry Osborn)
Amazing Spider-Man #800 seventh story
Amazing Spider-Man #800 back up (Otto Octavious)

Amazing Spider-Man #801
Immortal Hulk #1
Thor Vol 5 #2
Ant-Man & the Wasp #1
Tony Stark: Iron Man #1
Tony Stark: Iron Man #2
Tony Stark: Iron Man #3
Tony Stark: Iron Man #4
Tony Stark: Iron Man #5
Doctor Strange #390
Marvel 2-In-One #7 (Thing & Human Torch)
Marvel 2-In-One #8 (Thing & Human Torch)
Marvel 2-In-One #9 (Thing & Human Torch)
Marvel 2-In-One #10 (Thing & Human Torch)
Ms. Marvel Vol 4 #31
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #32
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #33
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #34
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #35
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #36


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5 Ara 2016
Moon Knight #196
Cloak and Dagger Vol 5 #1
Cloak and Dagger Vol 5 #2
Cloak and Dagger Vol 5 #3
Cloak and Dagger Vol 5 #4
Cloak and Dagger Vol 5 #5
Cloak and Dagger Vol 5 #6
Deadpool Vol 7 #1 first story
Sentry Vol 3 #1
Sentry Vol 3 #2
Sentry Vol 3 #3
Sentry Vol 3 #4
Sentry Vol 3 #5
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #41
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #42
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #33
Spider-Man/Deadpool #34
Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider #19
X-Men: Blue #29
X-Men: Blue #30
Infinity Countdown #4
Weapon H #4
Alternate reality - Exiles Vol 3 #4
Amazing Spider-Man: Wakanda Forever #1
Ant-Man & the Wasp: Living Legends #1
Marvel Rising: Alpha #1
Marvel Rising: Squirrel Girl / Ms. Marvel #1
Marvel Rising: Ms. Marvel / Squirrel Girl #1
Marvel Rising: Omega #1
Infinity Countdown: Black Widow #1
Infinity Countdown: Champions #1
Infinity Countdown: Champions #2
Multiple Man #1
Multiple Man #2
Multiple Man #3
Multiple Man #4
Multiple Man #5
Dazzler: X-Song #1
Deadpool: Assassin #1
Deadpool: Assassin #2
Deadpool: Assassin #3
Deadpool: Assassin #4
Deadpool: Assassin #5
Deadpool: Assassin #6
Marvel and Dell Present: Ant-Man & Wasp #1
Deadpool Vol 7 #1 second story

Ant-Man & the Wasp #2
Doctor Strange Vol 5 #1
Doctor Strange Vol 5 #2
Doctor Strange Vol 5 #3
Doctor Strange Vol 5 #4
Doctor Strange Vol 5 #5
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #306
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #307
Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider #20
Marvel 2-In-One Annual #1 (Thing & Human Torch)
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man Annual #1 first story
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man Annual #1 second story

Captain America Vol 9 #1
Captain America Vol 9 #2
Captain America Vol 9 #3
Captain America Vol 9 #4
Captain America Vol 9 #5
Captain America Vol 9 #6
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 #1
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 #2
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 #3
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 #4
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 #5
Immortal Hulk # 2
Thor Vol 5 #3
Ant-Man & the Wasp #3
Daredevil #605
Life of Captain Marvel Vol 2 #1
Life of Captain Marvel Vol 2 #2
Life of Captain Marvel Vol 2 #3
Life of Captain Marvel Vol 2 #4
Life of Captain Marvel Vol 2 #5
Death of Inhumans #1
Death of Inhumans #2
Death of Inhumans #3
Death of Inhumans #4
Death of Inhumans #5
Cosmic Ghost Rider #1
Cosmic Ghost Rider #2
Cosmic Ghost Rider #3
Cosmic Ghost Rider #4
Cosmic Ghost Rider #5
Champions Vol 2 #22
Ms. Marvel Vol 4 #32
Ms. Marvel Vol 4 #33
Ms. Marvel Vol 4 #34
Ms. Marvel Vol 4 #35
Moon Knight #197
Deadpool Vol 7 #2
Weapon X Vol 3 #20
Weapon X Vol 3 #21
Runaways Vol 5 #11
Astonishing X-Men Vol 4 #13 first story
Astonishing X-Men Vol 4 #14
Astonishing X-Men Vol 4 #15
Astonishing X-Men Vol 4 #16
Astonishing X-Men Vol 4 #17
X-23 Vol 4 #1
X-23 Vol 4 #2
X-23 Vol 4 #3
X-23 Vol 4 #4
X-23 Vol 4 #5
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #43
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #44
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #45
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #34
Jessica Jones - Marvel Digital Original #1 first story
Jessica Jones - Marvel Digital Original #1 second story
Jessica Jones - Marvel Digital Original #2 first story
Jessica Jones - Marvel Digital Original #2 second story
Jessica Jones - Marvel Digital Original #3 first story
Jessica Jones - Marvel Digital Original #3 second story
Spider-Man/Deadpool #35
Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider #21
X-Men: Blue #31
X-Men: Blue #32
X-Men: Gold Vol 2 #31
X-Men: Gold Vol 2 #32
Infinity Countdown #5
Weapon H #5
Exiles Vol 3 #5
Mr. and Mrs. X #1
Mr. and Mrs. X #2
Mr. and Mrs. X #3
Mr. and Mrs. X #4
Mr. and Mrs. X #5
Marvel and Synchrony Present Ant-Man and the Wasp: Saving Time #1
X-Men: Wakanda Forever #1
Cable #159 second story
Astonishing X-Men Vol 4 #13 second story
Thor Vol 5 #4
Infinity Wars Prime #1

Immortal Hulk #3
Spider-Man/Deadpool #36

Fantastic Four Vol 6 #1 first story
Immortal Hulk #4
Immortal Hulk #5
Ant-Man & the Wasp #4
Daredevil #606
Luke Cage - Marvel Digital Original #1
Luke Cage - Marvel Digital Original #1
Luke Cage - Marvel Digital Original #2
Luke Cage - Marvel Digital Original #2
Luke Cage - Marvel Digital Original #3
Luke Cage - Marvel Digital Original #3
Champions Vol 2 #23
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #308
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #309
Moon Knight #198
West Coast Avengers Vol 3 #1
Punisher Vol 12 #1
Punisher Vol 12 #2
Punisher Vol 12 #3
Punisher Vol 12 #4
Punisher Vol 12 #5
Deadpool Vol 7 #3
Runaways Vol 5 #12
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #35
Spider-Man/Deadpool #37
Spider-Man/Deadpool #38


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5 Ara 2016
Spider-Man/Deadpool #39
Spider-Man/Deadpool #40
Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider #22
X-Men: Blue #33
X-Men: Blue #34
X-Men: Blue #35
X-Men: Blue #36
X-Men: Gold Vol 2 #33
X-Men: Gold Vol 2 #34
X-Men: Gold Vol 2 #35
Weapon H #6
Exiles Vol 3 #6
Alternate reality -Edge of Spider-Geddon #1
Hunt for Wolverine: Dead Ends #1
Infinity Wars #1
Web of Venom: Ve'Nam #1
Extermination #1
Extermination #2
Extermination #3
Extermination #4
Extermination #5
Fantastic Four Vol 6 #1 back up (Dr Doom)
Fantastic Four Vol 6 #1 back up (Impossible Man)

Daredevil #607
Weapon X Vol 3 #22
Weapon X Vol 3 #23
Weapon X Vol 3 #24
Weapon X Vol 3 #25
Weapon X Vol 3 #26
Weapon X Vol 3 #27
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #46
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #47
Exiles Vol 3 #7
Alternate reality - Edge of Spider-Geddon #2
Infinity Wars #2
Daredevil Annual Vol 5 #1
Spider-Man Annual Vol 2 #1 first story
Cable & Deadpool Annual #1
Astonishing X-Men Annual Vol 2 #1
X-Men: Gold Annual #2
Spider-Man Annual Vol 2 #1 back up (Miles Morales)

Fantastic Four Vol 6 #2
Thor Vol 5 #5
Ant-Man & the Wasp #5
Avengers Vol 8 #7
Daredevil #608
Champions Vol 2 #24
Moon Knight #199
West Coast Avengers Vol 3 #2
Return of Wolverine #1
Return of Wolverine #2
Return of Wolverine #3
Return of Wolverine #4
Return of Wolverine #5
Deadpool Vol 7 #4
Runaways Vol 5 #13
Runaways Vol 5 #14
Runaways Vol 5 #15
Runaways Vol 5 #16
Runaways Vol 5 #17
Runaways Vol 5 #18
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #36
Iceman Vol 4 #1
Iceman Vol 4 #2
Iceman Vol 4 #3
Iceman Vol 4 #4
Iceman Vol 4 #5
Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider #23
Weapon H #7
Exiles Vol 3 #8
Alternate reality - Edge of Spider-Geddon #3
Infinity Wars #3
Asgardians of the Galaxy #1
Avengers: Wakanda Forever #1
Deadpool: Secret Agent Deadpool #1
Deadpool: Secret Agent Deadpool #2
Deadpool: Secret Agent Deadpool #3
Deadpool: Secret Agent Deadpool #4
Deadpool: Secret Agent Deadpool #5
Deadpool: Secret Agent Deadpool #6
Infinity Wars: Iron Hammer #1
Infinity Wars: Iron Hammer #2
Thanos Legacy #1 first story
Spider-Geddon #0 first story
Thanos Legacy #1 second story
Spider-Geddon #0 second story



Çeviri & Balonlama
5 Ara 2016
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 #6
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 #7
Immortal Hulk #6
Avengers Vol 8 #8
Avengers Vol 8 #9
Avengers Vol 8 #10
Avengers Vol 8 #11
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #310
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #48
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #49
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #50
Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider #24
X-Men: Gold Vol 2 #36
Alternate reality - Edge of Spider-Geddon #4
Domino Annual #1 first story
Domino Annual #1 second story
Domino Annual #1 third story
Domino Annual #1 fourth story
Domino Annual #1 fifth story

Fantastic Four Vol 6 #3
Immortal Hulk #7
Alternate reality - Thor Vol 5 #6
Doctor Strange Vol 5 #6
Doctor Strange Vol 5 #7
Daredevil #609
Daredevil #610
Daredevil #611
Daredevil #612
Marvel 2-In-One #11 (Thing & Human Torch)
Champions Vol 2 #25
Champions Vol 2 #26
Champions Vol 2 #27
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #311
Moon Knight #200
West Coast Avengers Vol 3 #3
Venom Vol 4 #7
Venom Vol 4 #8
Deadpool Vol 7 #5
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #37
Weapon H #8
Exiles Vol 3 #9
Domino Vol 3 #7
Domino Vol 3 #8
Domino Vol 3 #9
Domino Vol 3 #10
Infinity Wars #4
Asgardians of the Galaxy #2
Infinity Wars: Soldier Supreme #1
Infinity Wars: Soldier Supreme #2
Spider-Geddon #1
Black Panther vs. Deadpool #1
Black Panther vs. Deadpool #2
Black Panther vs. Deadpool #3
Black Panther vs. Deadpool #4
Black Panther vs. Deadpool #5
Infinity Wars: Arachknight #1
Infinity Wars: Arachknight #2
Infinity Wars: Sleepwalker #1
Infinity Wars: Sleepwalker #2
Infinity Wars: Sleepwalker #3
Infinity Wars: Sleepwalker #4
Infinity Wars: Weapon Hex #1
Infinity Wars: Weapon Hex #2
Iron Fist - Marvel Digital Original #1 first story
Iron Fist - Marvel Digital Original #1 second story
Iron Fist - Marvel Digital Original #2 first story
Iron Fist - Marvel Digital Original #2 second story
Iron Fist - Marvel Digital Original #3 first story
Iron Fist - Marvel Digital Original #3 second story
Shatterstar #1
Shatterstar #2
Shatterstar #3
Shatterstar #4
Shatterstar #5
Shuri #1
Spider-Force #1
Spider-Force #2
Spider-Force #3
Superior Octopus #1 first story
Typhoid Fever: Spider-Man #1
Typhoid Fever: X-Men #1
Typhoid Fever: Iron Fist #1
Unstoppable Wasp Vol 2 #1
X-Men: Black - Magneto #1
X-Men: Black - Mojo #1
X-Men: Black - Mystique #1
X-Men: Black - Juggernaut #1
X-Men: Black - Emma Frost #1
Superior Octopus #1 second story

Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 #8
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 #9
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 #10
Cosmic Ghost Rider #5
Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider #25
Weapon H #9
Spider-Geddon #2
Venom Annual #1 first story
Venom Annual #1 second story
Venom Annual #1 third story
Venom Annual #1 fourth story
Uncanny X-Men: Winters End #1


Çeviri & Balonlama
5 Ara 2016

Fantastic Four Vol 6 #4
Immortal Hulk # 8
Thor Vol 5 #7
Tony Stark: Iron Man #6
Tony Stark: Iron Man #7
Tony Stark: Iron Man #8
Tony Stark: Iron Man #9
Tony Stark: Iron Man #10
Tony Stark: Iron Man #11
Uncanny X-Men Vol 5 #1
Uncanny X-Men Vol 5 #2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 5 #3
Uncanny X-Men Vol 5 #4
Uncanny X-Men Vol 5 #5
Uncanny X-Men Vol 5 #6
Uncanny X-Men Vol 5 #7
Uncanny X-Men Vol 5 #8
Uncanny X-Men Vol 5 #9
Uncanny X-Men Vol 5 #10
Marvel 2-In-One #12 (Thing & Human Torch)
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #312
Ms. Marvel Vol 4 #36
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #37
West Coast Avengers Vol 3 #4
Deadpool Vol 7 #6
X-23 Vol 4 #6
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #38
Spider-Man/Deadpool #41
Spider-Man/Deadpool #42
Spider-Man/Deadpool #43
Spider-Man/Deadpool #44
Spider-Man/Deadpool #45
Spider-Man/Deadpool #46
Spider-Man/Deadpool #47
Weapon H #10
Exiles Vol 3 #10
Infinity Wars #5
Spider-Geddon #3
Asgardians of the Galaxy #3
Shuri #2
Unstoppable Wasp Vol 2 #2
Black Order #1
Black Order #2
Black Order #3
Black Order #4
Black Order #5
Daughters of the Dragon - Marvel Digital Original #1
Dead Man Logan #1
Dead Man Logan #2
Dead Man Logan #3
Dead Man Logan #4
Dead Man Logan #5
Infinity Wars: Ghost Panther #1
Infinity Wars: Ghost Panther #2
Alternate reality - Infinity Wars: Infinity Warps #1 first story
Alternate reality - Infinity Wars: Infinity Warps #1 second story
Alternate reality - Infinity Wars: Infinity Warps #1 third story
Alternate reality - Infinity Wars: Infinity Warps #1 fourth story
Ironheart #1
Marvel Knights 20th #1
Marvel Knights 20th #2
Marvel Knights 20th #3
Marvel Knights 20th #4
Marvel Knights 20th #5
Marvel Knights 20th #6
Spider-Man: Enter the Spider-Verse #1 first story
Thanos: The Infinity Conflict #1
Web of Venom: Carnage Born #1
Immortal Hulk #9
Doctor Strange Vol 5 #8
Spider-Geddon #4
X-Men: The Exterminated #1
Fantastic Four Vol 6 #5 first story
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 #11
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 #12
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 #13
Immortal Hulk #10
Thor Vol 5 #8
Doctor Strange Vol 5 #9
Black Panther Vol 7 #7
Black Panther Vol 7 #8
Black Panther Vol 7 #9
Black Panther Vol 7 #10
Black Panther Vol 7 #11
Black Panther Vol 7 #12
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #313
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #38
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #39
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #40
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #41
X-Force Vol 5 #1 first story
X-Force Vol 5 #2
X-Force Vol 5 #3
X-Force Vol 5 #4
West Coast Avengers Vol 3 #5
West Coast Avengers Vol 3 #6
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #1
Venom Vol 4 #9
Web of Venom: Unleashed #1
Venom Vol 4 #10
Venom Vol 4 #11
Venom Vol 4 #12
Deadpool Vol 7 #7
X-23 Vol 4 #7
X-23 Vol 4 #8
X-23 Vol 4 #9
X-23 Vol 4 #10
Winter Soldier Vol 2 #1
Winter Soldier Vol 2 #2
Winter Soldier Vol 2 #3
Winter Soldier Vol 2 #4
Winter Soldier Vol 2 #5
Superior Spider-Man Vol 2 #1
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #39
Weapon H #11
Exiles Vol 3 #11
Spider-Geddon #5
Mr. and Mrs. X #6
Infinity Wars #6
Asgardians of the Galaxy #4
Shuri #3
Unstoppable Wasp Vol 2 #3
Daughters of the Dragon - Marvel Digital Original #2
Alternate reality - Infinity Wars: Infinity Warps #2 first story
Alternate reality - Infinity Wars: Infinity Warps #2 second story
Alternate reality - Infinity Wars: Infinity Warps #2 third story
Alternate reality - Infinity Wars: Infinity Warps #2 fourth story
Ironheart #2
Cloak and Dagger: Negative Exposure - Marvel Digital Original #1
Cloak and Dagger: Negative Exposure - Marvel Digital Original #2
Cloak and Dagger: Negative Exposure - Marvel Digital Original #3
Fantastic Four: Wedding Special #1 first story
Fantastic Four: Wedding Special #1 second story
Fantastic Four: Wedding Special #1 third story
Immortal Hulk: The Best Defense #1
Namor: The Best Defense #1
Doctor Strange: The Best Defense #1
Silver Surfer: The Best Defense #1
Defenders: The Best Defense #1
Infinity Wars #6
Infinity Wars: Fallen Guardian #1
Infinity Wars: Infinity #1
Killmonger #1
Killmonger #2
Killmonger #3
Killmonger #4
Killmonger #5
Merry X-Men Holiday Special #1 first story
Merry X-Men Holiday Special #1 second story
Merry X-Men Holiday Special #1 third story
Merry X-Men Holiday Special #1 fourth story
Merry X-Men Holiday Special #1 fifth story
Merry X-Men Holiday Special #1 sixth story
Merry X-Men Holiday Special #1 seventh story
Merry X-Men Holiday Special #1 eighth story
Merry X-Men Holiday Special #1 ninth story
Merry X-Men Holiday Special #1 tenth story
Merry X-Men Holiday Special #1 eleventh story
Merry X-Men Holiday Special #1 twelfth story
Merry X-Men Holiday Special #1 thirteenth story
Merry X-Men Holiday Special #1 fourteenth story
Merry X-Men Holiday Special #1 fifteenth story
Merry X-Men Holiday Special #1 sixteenth story
Merry X-Men Holiday Special #1 seventeenth story
Merry X-Men Holiday Special #1 eighteenth story
Merry X-Men Holiday Special #1 nineteenth story
Merry X-Men Holiday Special #1 twentieth story
Merry X-Men Holiday Special #1 twenty first story
Merry X-Men Holiday Special #1 twenty second story
Merry X-Men Holiday Special #1 twenty third story
Merry X-Men Holiday Special #1 twenty fourth story
Merry X-Men Holiday Special #1 twenty fifth story
Season's Beating #1 (Deadpool)
Season's Beating #1 (Spider-Man)
Season's Beating #1 (Squirrel Girl)
Season's Beating #1 (West Coast Avengers)
Fantastic Four Vol 6 #5 second story
X-Force Vol 5 #1 second story
Fantastic Four Vol 6 #5 third story
Champions Annual #1
Captain America Vol 9 #7
Captain America Vol 9 #8
Captain America Vol 9 #9
Captain America Vol 9 #10
Captain America Vol 9 #11
Captain America Vol 9 #12
Fantastic Four Vol 6 #6
Fantastic Four Vol 6 #7
Fantastic Four Vol 6 #8
Fantastic Four Vol 6 #9
Immortal Hulk # 11
Immortal Hulk #12
Immortal Hulk #13
Thor Vol 5 #9
Doctor Strange Vol 5 #10 first story
Doctor Strange Vol 5 #11
Avengers Vol 8 #12
Man Without Fear #1
Man Without Fear #2
Man Without Fear #3
Man Without Fear #4
Man Without Fear #5
Captain Marvel Vol 10 #1
Captain Marvel Vol 10 #2
Captain Marvel Vol 10 #3
Captain Marvel Vol 10 #4
Captain Marvel Vol 10 #5
Black Widow Vol 7 #1
Black Widow Vol 7 #2
Black Widow Vol 7 #3
Black Widow Vol 7 #4
Black Widow Vol 7 #5
Champions Vol 3 #1
Champions Vol 3 #2
Champions Vol 3 #3
Champions Vol 3 #4
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 5 #1
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 5 #2
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 5 #3
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 5 #4
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 5 #5
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 5 #6


Çeviri & Balonlama
5 Ara 2016

(2019 yılı devamı)

Ms. Marvel Vol 4 #37
West Coast Avengers Vol 3 #7
Punisher Vol 12 #6
Punisher Vol 12 #7
Punisher Vol 12 #8
Punisher Vol 12 #9
Punisher Vol 12 #10
Punisher Vol 12 #11
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #2
Deadpool Vol 7 #8
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Vol 2 #1
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Vol 2 #2
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Vol 2 #3
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Vol 2 #4
Superior Spider-Man Vol 2 #2
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #40
Weapon H #12
Exiles Vol 3 #12
Mr. and Mrs. X #7
Mr. and Mrs. X #8
Mr. and Mrs. X #9
Mr. and Mrs. X #10
Asgardians of the Galaxy #5
Shuri #4
Unstoppable Wasp Vol 2 #4
Daughters of the Dragon - Marvel Digital Original #3
Ironheart #3
Alternate reality - Age of X-Man Alpha #1
Invaders Vol 3 #1
Invaders Vol 3 #2
Invaders Vol 3 #3
Invaders Vol 3 #4
Invaders Vol 3 #5
Invaders Vol 3 #6
Jessica Jones: Purple Daughter - Marvel Digital Original #1
Jessica Jones: Purple Daughter - Marvel Digital Original #2
Jessica Jones: Purple Daughter - Marvel Digital Original #3
Daredevil Vol 6 #1
Daredevil Vol 6 #2
Daredevil Vol 6 #3
Daredevil Vol 6 #4
Daredevil Vol 6 #5
Doctor Strange Vol 5 #10 second story
Doctor Strange Vol 5 #10 back up (Ancient One)
Doctor Strange Vol 5 #10 back up (Nightmare)
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 #14
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 #15
Avengers Vol 8 #13
Marvel Comics Presents Vol 3 #1 (Captain America)
Uncanny X-Men Annual Vol 5 #1
Thor Vol 5 #10
Uncanny X-Men Vol 5 #11 first story
Uncanny X-Men Vol 5 #12
Uncanny X-Men Vol 5 #13
Uncanny X-Men Vol 5 #14
Uncanny X-Men Vol 5 #15
Uncanny X-Men Vol 5 #16
Avengers Vol 8 #14
Avengers Vol 8 #15
Avengers Vol 8 #16
Avengers Vol 8 #17
Ms. Marvel Vol 4 #38
West Coast Avengers Vol 3 #8
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #3
Deadpool Vol 7 #9
Superior Spider-Man Vol 2 #3
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #41
Asgardians of the Galaxy #6
Shuri #5
Unstoppable Wasp Vol 2 #5
Alternate reality - Age of X-Man: Nextgen #1
Alternate reality - Age of X-Man: Nextgen #2
Alternate reality - Age of X-Man: Nextgen #3
Alternate reality - Age of X-Man: Nextgen #4
Alternate reality - Age of X-Man: Nextgen #5
Alternate reality - Age of X-Man: The Amazing Nightcrawler #1
Alternate reality - Age of X-Man: The Amazing Nightcrawler #2
Alternate reality - Age of X-Man: The Amazing Nightcrawler #3
Alternate reality - Age of X-Man: The Amazing Nightcrawler #4
Alternate reality - Age of X-Man: The Amazing Nightcrawler #5
Alternate reality - Age of X-Man: The Marvelous X-Men #1
Alternate reality - Age of X-Man: The Marvelous X-Men #2
Alternate reality - Age of X-Man: The Marvelous X-Men #3
Alternate reality - Age of X-Man: The Marvelous X-Men #4
Alternate reality - Age of X-Man: The Marvelous X-Men #5
Alternate reality - Age of X-Man: X-Tremists #1
Alternate reality - Age of X-Man: X-Tremists #2
Alternate reality - Age of X-Man: X-Tremists #3
Alternate reality - Age of X-Man: X-Tremists #4
Alternate reality - Age of X-Man: X-Tremists #5
Avengers: No Road Home #1
Avengers: No Road Home #2
Avengers: No Road Home #3
Avengers: No Road Home #4
Avengers: No Road Home #5
Avengers: No Road Home #6
Avengers: No Road Home #7
Avengers: No Road Home #8
Avengers: No Road Home #9
Avengers: No Road Home #10
Captain Marvel: Braver & Mightier #1
Ziggy Pig-Silly Seal Comics Vol 2 #1
Hulkverines #1
Hulkverines #2
Hulkverines #3
Wolverine: Infinity Watch #1
Wolverine: Infinity Watch #2
Wolverine: Infinity Watch #3
Wolverine: Infinity Watch #4
Wolverine: Infinity Watch #5
Marvel Comics Presents Vol 3 #2 (Mr Fantastic)
Marvel Comics Presents Vol 3 #2 (Gorilla man)
Uncanny X-Men Vol 5 #11 second story
Uncanny X-Men Vol 5 #11 third story
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 #16
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 #16.HU
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 #17
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 #18
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 #18.HU
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 #19
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 #19.HU
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 #20
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 #20.HU
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 #21
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 #22
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 #23
Immortal Hulk #14
Thor Vol 5 #11
Doctor Strange Vol 5 #12
Doctor Strange Vol 5 #13
Doctor Strange Vol 5 #14
Doctor Strange Vol 5 #15
Doctor Strange Vol 5 #16
Doctor Strange Vol 5 #17
Magnificent Ms. Marvel #1
West Coast Avengers Vol 3 #9
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #4
Deadpool Vol 7 #10
Runaways Vol 5 #19
Runaways Vol 5 #20
Runaways Vol 5 #21
Runaways Vol 5 #22
Runaways Vol 5 #23
Runaways Vol 5 #24
Superior Spider-Man Vol 2 #4
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #42
Marvel Rising Vol 2 #1
Marvel Rising Vol 2 #2
Marvel Rising Vol 2 #3
Marvel Rising Vol 2 #4
Marvel Rising Vol 2 #5
Asgardians of the Galaxy #7
Shuri #6
Shuri #7
Unstoppable Wasp Vol 2 #6
Ironheart #4
Age of X-Man: Apocalypse & The X-Tracts #1
Age of X-Man: Apocalypse & The X-Tracts #2
Age of X-Man: Apocalypse & The X-Tracts #3
Age of X-Man: Apocalypse & The X-Tracts #4
Age of X-Man: Apocalypse & The X-Tracts #5
Age of X-Man: Prisoner X #1
Age of X-Man: Prisoner X #2
Age of X-Man: Prisoner X #3
Age of X-Man: Prisoner X #4
Age of X-Man: Prisoner X #5
Cosmic Ghost Rider Destroys Marvel History #1
Cosmic Ghost Rider Destroys Marvel History #2
Cosmic Ghost Rider Destroys Marvel History #3
Cosmic Ghost Rider Destroys Marvel History #4
Cosmic Ghost Rider Destroys Marvel History #5
Cosmic Ghost Rider Destroys Marvel History #6
Domino: Hotshots #1
Domino: Hotshots #2
Domino: Hotshots #3
Domino: Hotshots #4
Domino: Hotshots #5
Uncanny X-Men: Winters End #1
Meet the Skrulls #1
Meet the Skrulls #2
Meet the Skrulls #3
Meet the Skrulls #4
Meet the Skrulls #5
Immortal Hulk #15
X-Force Vol 5 #5
Spider-Man/Deadpool #48
Spider-Man/Deadpool #49
Spider-Man/Deadpool #50
Immortal Hulk #16
Ms. Marvel Team-Up #1
Marvel Team-Up Vol 4 #2
Marvel Team-Up Vol 4 #3
Magnificent Ms. Marvel #2
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #42
X-Force Vol 5 #6
West Coast Avengers Vol 3 #10
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #5
Deadpool Vol 7 #11
Thanos Vol 3 #1
Thanos Vol 3 #2
Thanos Vol 3 #3
Thanos Vol 3 #4
Thanos Vol 3 #5
Thanos Vol 3 #6
X-23 Vol 4 #11
X-23 Vol 4 #12
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Vol 2 #5
Superior Spider-Man Vol 2 #5
Unstoppable Wasp Vol 2 #7
Dead Man Logan #6
Ironheart #5
Avengers: Edge of Infinity #1
Black Cat #1 first story
Major X #1
Web of Venom: Cult of Carnage #1
Black Cat #1 second story
Major X #2
Immortal Hulk #17
Uncanny X-Men Vol 5 #17
Uncanny X-Men Vol 5 #18
Uncanny X-Men Vol 5 #19
Uncanny X-Men Vol 5 #20
Uncanny X-Men Vol 5 #21
Uncanny X-Men Vol 5 #22
Magnificent Ms. Marvel #3
Son düzenleme:


Çeviri & Balonlama
5 Ara 2016
X-Force Vol 5 #7
X-Force Vol 5 #8
X-Force Vol 5 #9
X-Force Vol 5 #10
Deadpool Vol 7 #12
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #6
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Vol 2 #6
Superior Spider-Man Vol 2 #6
Mr. and Mrs. X #11
Mr. and Mrs. X #12
Shuri #8
Unstoppable Wasp Vol 2 #8
Dead Man Logan #7
Dead Man Logan #8
Dead Man Logan #9
Dead Man Logan #10
Dead Man Logan #11
Dead Man Logan #12
Ironheart #6
Major X #3
Free Comic Book Day Vol 2019 #Avengers first story
Free Comic Book Day Vol 2019 #Avengers back up (Wolverine)
Free Comic Book Day Vol 2019 #Spider-Man/Venom
Free Comic Book Day Vol 2019 #Spider-Man/Venom back up (Miles Morales)
Savage Avengers #1
Savage Avengers #2
Savage Avengers #3
Savage Avengers #4
Savage Avengers #5
Immortal Hulk #18
Daredevil Vol 6 #6
Daredevil Vol 6 #7
Daredevil Vol 6 #8
Daredevil Vol 6 #9
Daredevil Vol 6 #10
Major X #4
Fantastic Four Vol 6 #11 first story
Immortal Hulk #19
Black Panther Vol 7 #13
Black Panther Vol 7 #14
Black Panther Vol 7 #15
Black Panther Vol 7 #16
Magnificent Ms. Marvel #4
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #44
Punisher Vol 12 #12
Punisher Vol 12 #13
Punisher Vol 12 #14
Punisher Vol 12 #15
Punisher Vol 12 #16
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #7
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Vol 2 #7
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Vol 2 #8
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Vol 2 #9
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Vol 2 #10
Shuri #9
Unstoppable Wasp Vol 2 #9
Ironheart #7
Major X #5
Incredible Hulk: Last Call #1
Silver Surfer: Black #1
Silver Surfer: Black #2
Silver Surfer: Black #3
Silver Surfer: Black #4
Silver Surfer: Black #5
Spider-Man: Reptilian Rage #1
Wolverine: Exit Wounds #1 first story
Wolverine: Exit Wounds #1 second story
Wolverine: Exit Wounds #1 third story
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 #24 first story
Major X #6
Guardians of the Galaxy Annual Vol 3 #1 (Cosmo)
Guardians of the Galaxy Annual Vol 3 #1 (Nova)
Guardians of the Galaxy Annual Vol 3 #1 (Adam Warlock)
Guardians of the Galaxy Annual Vol 3 #1 (Darkhawk)
Spider-Man Annual Vol 3 #1 first story
Venom Vol 4 #15 second story
Symbiote Spider-Man #3 second story
Deadpool Vol 7 #14 second story
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 #24 second story
Fantastic Four Vol 6 #11 second story
Immortal Hulk #20 second story
Black Cat #2 second story
Captain Marvel Vol 10 #8 second story
Invaders Vol 3 #7 second story
Avengers Vol 8 #22 second story
Tony Stark: Iron Man #12
Tony Stark: Iron Man #13
War of the Realms #1
War of the Realms: New Agents of Atlas #1
War of the Realms: New Agents of Atlas #2
War of the Realms: New Agents of Atlas #3
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #43
Asgardians of the Galaxy #8
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #43
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #44
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #45
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #46
War of the Realms: Journey into Mystery #1
War of the Realms: Journey into Mystery #2
War of the Realms: Journey into Mystery #3
War of the Realms: Journey into Mystery #4
War of the Realms: Journey into Mystery #5
Thor Vol 5 #12
War of the Realms #2
Asgardians of the Galaxy #9
Venom Vol 4 #13
Venom Vol 4 #14
Venom Vol 4 #15 first story
War of the Realms: Punisher #1
War of the Realms: Punisher #2
War of the Realms: Punisher #3
Superior Spider-Man Vol 2 #7
Fantastic Four Vol 6 #10
Avengers Vol 8 #18
Avengers Vol 8 #19
Giant-Man #1
Giant-Man #2
Giant-Man #3
War of the Realms: Uncanny X-Men #1
War of the Realms: Uncanny X-Men #2
War of the Realms: Uncanny X-Men #3
War of the Realms Strikeforce: The War Avengers #1
War of the Realms #3
War of the Realms Strikeforce: The Dark Elf Realm #1
Thor Vol 5 #13
War of the Realms Strikeforce: The Land of Giants #1
War of the Realms: War Scrolls #1 (Daredevil)
War of the Realms: War Scrolls #2 (Daredevil)
War of the Realms: War Scrolls #3 (Daredevil)
War of the Realms: War Scrolls #1 (Warriors Three)
War of the Realms: War Scrolls #1 (Wolverine)
War of the Realms: War Scrolls #1 (Howard the Duck)
War of the Realms: War Scrolls #2 (Dr Strange)
War of the Realms: War Scrolls #2 (Wiccan)
War of the Realms: War Scrolls #3 (Dr Doom)
War of the Realms: War Scrolls #3 (All Mother Freya)
Champions Vol 3 #5
Champions Vol 3 #6
Superior Spider-Man Vol 2 #8
War of the Realms #4
War of the Realms: Spider-Man & the League of Realms #1
War of the Realms: Spider-Man & the League of Realms #2
War of the Realms: Spider-Man & the League of Realms #3
Captain Marvel Vol 10 #6
Captain Marvel Vol 10 #7
Deadpool Vol 7 #13
Deadpool Vol 7 #14 first story
Avengers Vol 8 #20
Asgardians of the Galaxy #10
War of the Realms #5
War of the Realms: New Agents of Atlas #4
Thor Vol 5 #14
War of the Realms #6
War of the Realms Omega #1 (Daredevil)
War of the Realms Omega #1 (Jane Foster)
War of the Realms Omega #1 (Drrf)
War of the Realms Omega #1 (Punisher)
Marvel Ultimate Comics: Absolute Carnage Season 1 1
Marvel Ultimate Comics: Absolute Carnage Season 1 2
Marvel Ultimate Comics: Absolute Carnage Season 1 3
Marvel Ultimate Comics: Absolute Carnage Season 1 4
Thor Vol 5 #15
Fantastic Four Vol 6 #12 first story
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 #25 first story
Immortal Hulk #20 first story
Tony Stark: Iron Man #14
Avengers Vol 8 #21
Captain Marvel Vol 10 #8 first story
Captain Marvel Vol 10 #9
Captain Marvel Vol 10 #10
Captain Marvel Vol 10 #11
Marvel Team-Up Vol 4 #4
Champions Vol 3 #7
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 5 #7
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 5 #8
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 5 #9
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 5 #10
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 5 #11
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 5 #12
Magnificent Ms. Marvel #5
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #45
Giant-Sized X-Statix #1
Death's Head Vol 2 #1
Death's Head Vol 2 #2
Death's Head Vol 2 #3
Death's Head Vol 2 #4
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #8
Venom Vol 4 #16
Deadpool Vol 7 #15
Loki Vol 3 #1
Superior Spider-Man Vol 2 #9
Shuri #10
Unstoppable Wasp Vol 2 #10
Ironheart #8
Invaders Vol 3 #7 first story
Invaders Vol 3 #8
Invaders Vol 3 #9
Invaders Vol 3 #10
Invaders Vol 3 #11
Invaders Vol 3 #12
Black Cat #2 first story
Black Cat #3
Aero #1 first story
Age of X-Man Omega #1
Fantastic Four: The Prodigal Sun #1
Silver Surfer: The Prodigal Sun #1
Guardians of the Galaxy: The Prodigal Sun #1
Fearless #1 (Captain Marvel)
Fearless #2 (Captain Marvel)
Fearless #3 (Captain Marvel)
Fearless #4 (Captain Marvel)
Fearless #1 (Millie Collins)
Fearless #1 (Jessica Jones)
History of the Marvel Universe Vol 2 #1
History of the Marvel Universe Vol 2 #2
History of the Marvel Universe Vol 2 #3
History of the Marvel Universe Vol 2 #4
History of the Marvel Universe Vol 2 #5
History of the Marvel Universe Vol 2 #6
Fantastic Four: 4 Yancy Street #1
House of X #1
Invisible Woman #1
Invisible Woman #2
Invisible Woman #3
Invisible Woman #4
Invisible Woman #5
Loki Vol 3 #1
Loki Vol 3 #2
Loki Vol 3 #3
Loki Vol 3 #4
Major X #0 first story
Marvel Monsters Vol 2 #1
Sword Master #1 first story
Valkyrie: Jane Foster #1
Valkyrie: Jane Foster #2
Valkyrie: Jane Foster #3
Valkyrie: Jane Foster #4
Valkyrie: Jane Foster #5
Web of Venom: Funeral Pyre #1
Wolverine & Captain America: Weapon Plus #1
Wolverine vs. Blade Special #1
Fantastic Four Vol 6 #12 back up (Future Foundation)
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 #25 second story
Aero #1 second story
Aero #2 second story
Aero #3 second story
Aero #4 second story
Aero #5 second story
Aero #6 second story
Sword Master #1 second story
Sword Master #2 second story
Sword Master #3 second story
Sword Master #4 second story
Sword Master #5 second story
Sword Master #6 second story
Marvel Comics Presents Vol 3 #7 Iron man
Marvel Comics Presents Vol 3 #7 Winter soldier
Secret Warps: Soldier Supreme Annual #1 first story
Secret Warps: Weapon Hex Annual #1 first story
Secret Warps: Ghost Panther Annual #1 first story
Secret Warps: Arachknight Annual #1 first story
Secret Warps: Iron Hammer Annual #1 first story
Secret Warps: Soldier Supreme Annual #1 second story
Secret Warps: Weapon Hex Annual #1 second story
Secret Warps: Ghost Panther Annual #1 second story
Secret Warps: Arachknight Annual #1 second story
Secret Warps: Iron Hammer Annual #1 second story
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 #26
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 #27
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 #28
Immortal Hulk #21
Avengers Vol 8 #22 first story
Avengers Vol 8 #23
Avengers Vol 8 #24
Avengers Vol 8 #25
Powers of X #1
Ms. Marvel Annual Vol 2 #1
Punisher Annual Vol 5 #1 first story
Venom Annual #1 first story
Deadpool Annual Vol 5 #1
She-Hulk Annual #1
Ghost-Spider #1
Moon Knight Annual Vol 2 #1
Wolverine Vol 7 #1
Punisher Annual Vol 5 #1 second story
Venom Annual #1 second story
Captain America Vol 9 #13
Captain America Vol 9 #14
Captain America Vol 9 #15
Captain America Vol 9 #16
Captain America Vol 9 #17
Fantastic Four Vol 6 #13
Future Foundation #1
Immortal Hulk #22
Thor Vol 5 #16
Tony Stark: Iron Man #15
Marvel Team-Up Vol 4 #5
Champions Vol 3 #8
Magnificent Ms. Marvel #6
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #46
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #47
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #9
Agents of Atlas Vol 3 #1 first story
Agents of Atlas Vol 3 #2
Agents of Atlas Vol 3 #3
Agents of Atlas Vol 3 #4
Agents of Atlas Vol 3 #5
Superior Spider-Man Vol 2 #10
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #47
Ironheart #9
Aero #2 first story
Absolute Carnage: Symbiote of Vengeance #1
Absolute Carnage #1
Absolute Carnage #2
Absolute Carnage: Miles Morales #1
Absolute Carnage: Miles Morales #2
Absolute Carnage: Miles Morales #3
Absolute Carnage vs. Deadpool #1
Absolute Carnage vs. Deadpool #2
Absolute Carnage vs. Deadpool #3
Absolute Carnage: Separation Anxiety #1
Venom Vol 4 #17
Absolute Carnage: Avengers #1
Venom Vol 4 #18
Venom Vol 4 #19
Absolute Carnage #3
Absolute Carnage: Immortal Hulk #1
Absolute Carnage #4
Absolute Carnage: Lethal Protectors #1
Absolute Carnage: Lethal Protectors #2
Absolute Carnage: Lethal Protectors #3
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 #30
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 #31
Absolute Carnage: Scream #1
Absolute Carnage: Scream #2
Absolute Carnage: Scream #3
Absolute Carnage #5
Venom Vol 4 #20
Fearless #2 (Night Nurse)
Fearless #2 (X-23)
Alternate reality - House of X #2
Ghost-Spider #1
Gwenpool Strikes Back #1
Gwenpool Strikes Back #2
Gwenpool Strikes Back #3
Gwenpool Strikes Back #4
Gwenpool Strikes Back #5
Sword Master #1 first story
Agents of Atlas Vol 3 #1 second story
Powers of X #2
Marvel Comics #1000 various one page stories
Marvel Comics Presents Vol 3 #8 Spider-man
Marvel Comics Presents Vol 3 #8 White fox
Doctor Strange Vol 5 #18
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Vol 2 #11
House of X #3
Alternate reality - Powers of X #3
Punisher Kill Krew #1
Punisher Kill Krew #2
Punisher Kill Krew #3
Punisher Kill Krew #4
Punisher Kill Krew #5
Fantastic Four Vol 6 #14
Fantastic Four Vol 6 #15
Fantastic Four Vol 6 #16
Fantastic Four Vol 6 #17
Future Foundation #2
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 #29
Immortal Hulk #23
Alternate reality - King Thor #1
Alternate reality - King Thor #2
Alternate reality - King Thor #3
Alternate reality - King Thor #4
Tony Stark: Iron Man #16
Tony Stark: Iron Man #17
Tony Stark: Iron Man #18
Tony Stark: Iron Man #19
Doctor Strange Vol 5 #19
Daredevil Vol 6 #11
Daredevil Vol 6 #12
Daredevil Vol 6 #13
Daredevil Vol 6 #14
Daredevil Vol 6 #15
Daredevil Vol 6 #16
Daredevil Vol 6 #17
Web of Black Widow #1
Marvel Team-Up Vol 4 #6
Champions Vol 3 #9
Magnificent Ms. Marvel #7
Spider-Man Vol 3 #1
Spider-Man Vol 3 #2
Spider-Man Vol 3 #3
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #10 first story
Runaways Vol 5 #25
Runaways Vol 5 #26
Runaways Vol 5 #27
Runaways Vol 5 #28
Runaways Vol 5 #29
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Vol 2 #12
Superior Spider-Man Vol 2 #11
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #48
Ironheart #10
Black Cat #4
Black Cat #5
Aero #3 first story
Alpha Flight: True North #1 first story
Amazing Spider-Man: Going Big #1 first story
Black Panther and the Agents of Wakanda #1
Black Panther and the Agents of Wakanda #2
Fearless #3 (Ghost cat)
Fearless #3 (Jubilee)
House of X #4
Ghost-Spider #2
Sword Master #3 first story
Powers of X #4
Strikeforce #1
Marvel Comics #1001 various one page stories
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #10 first story
Amazing Spider-Man: Going Big #1 second story
Alpha Flight: True North #1 second story
Amazing Spider-Man: Going Big #1 third story
Alpha Flight: True North #1 third story
House of X #5
Powers of X #5
Future Foundation #3
Immortal Hulk #24
Web of Black Widow #2
Doctor Doom #1
Black Panther Vol 7 #17
Ghost Rider Vol 9 #1
Ghost Rider Vol 9 #2
Ghost Rider Vol 9 #3
Ghost Rider Vol 9 #4
Champions Vol 3 #10
Magnificent Ms. Marvel #8
Excalibur Vol 4 #1
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #11
X-Men Vol 5 #1
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Vol 2 #13
Superior Spider-Man Vol 2 #12
Spider-Verse Vol 3 #1
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #49
Ironheart #11
Savage Avengers #6
Aero #4 first story
Amazing Mary Jane #1
Amazing Spider-Man: Full Circle #1
Bizarre Adventures Vol 2 #1 Ulysses Bloodstone
Bizarre Adventures Vol 2 #1 Shang Chi
Bizarre Adventures Vol 2 #1 Dracula
Bizarre Adventures Vol 2 #1 Black Goliath
Contagion #1
Contagion #2
Contagion #3
Contagion #4
Contagion #5
Fearless #4 (Namora)
House of X #1
Ghost-Spider #3
Future Fight Firsts: Luna Snow #1 first story
Future Fight Firsts: White Fox #1 first story
Marauders #1
Sword Master #4 first story
Powers of X #6
Strikeforce #2
Thanos: The Infinity Ending #1
Future Fight Firsts: Luna Snow #1 back up (Future Avengers)
Future Fight Firsts: White Fox #1 back up (Future Avengers)
Doctor Strange Annual Vol 3 #1 first story
Doctor Strange Annual Vol 3 #1 back up (Wong)
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 #32
Immortal Hulk # 25
Doctor Strange Vol 5 #20
Savage Avengers Annual #1

(2019 yılı'nın) Devamı gelecek.....


Aktif Üye
18 Ocak 2018
Sevgili @ihtiyardost üstadım, bunca zamandır çeviri ve balonlama eserlerinizle bizi mutlu ediyorsunuz.
Emeğinize sağlık çok teşekkür ederiz. 👏 👏 👏 👏

2024 yılında sevdikleriniz ile beraber sağlıklı ve mutlu günler dilerim.:)


Yeni Üye
12 Şub 2023
burdaki listede en baştan mı başlamak gerekir yoksa 1961 de yayınlanan fantastic four 1 ile mi başlamak gerekir biraz bilgi verebilir misiniz


Yeni Üye
21 Ocak 2023
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