
  1. scanfan

    Antonello in Venice

    Antonello in Venice (Antonello Venedik'te) Delcourt Senaryo, çizim ve renklendirme: Jean Dytar İngilizce çeviri: Edvard Gauvin 126 sayfa, 2325px, 146 MB, CBR. Bu tarihi çizgi romanın konusu 1510 yılında Venedik'te geçiyor. Büyük ressam Giorgione vebaya yakalanmıştır ve ölmek üzeredir. Son...
  2. lenard

    Secret Space War (ENG)

    In a secret military base of the Soviet union, engineers are preparing to try a new experiment: send an object in space. Nobody can measure the extent of its impact. Soon, the international policy chessboard will tremble. Soon, humanity will enter a new era. Soon, a new war will begin. A secret...
  3. lenard

    Golden Cup (ENG)

    Golden Cup 1 - Daytona (2004) (ENG | CBZ | 49 page | 56 mb) Golden Cup 1 - Daytona (2004) Golden Cup 2 - 500 Thousand Horses (2005) (ENG | CBZ | 48 page | 53 mb) Golden Cup 2 - 500 Thousand Horses (2005) Golden Cup 3 - Wolves in the Race (2005) (ENG | CBZ | 49 page | 55 mb) Golden...
  4. lenard

    The Potamoks (ENG)

    The Potamoks #1 - Terra Incognita The Potamoks #2 - The Red Fountain The Potamoks #3 - The Desert and Us ENG | CBR | 3 Issues (143 page) | 45 MB | 1997-1998 The Potamoks
  5. lenard

    Red Caps ( ENG )

    Davey, a young dreamy shepherd, sees his life changed when he meets the gaze of a beautiful aristocrat. With flaming heart, he scales the walls of the castle to declare his love for the lady, but it’s just the beginning of his adventure... This comic has everything: beautiful artwork with...
  6. lenard

    Alexander's Tomb ( ENG )

    Alexandria, June 1858: Grave robbers are engaged in a fierce battle to capture the treasures of the ancient catacombs. Among them, seven French nationals discover the ruins of an underground chapel devoted to Alexander the Great... the conqueror's tomb can't be far away... Brought together by...