Walt Disney’s Comics and Stories 655 adet..

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Çeviri & Balonlama
E-Dergi Takımı
17 Ağu 2009
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Walt Disney’s Comics and Stories (WDC for short) is an anthology comic book that has an assortment of Disney characters, including Donald Duck, Scrooge McDuck, Mickey Mouse, Chip ‘n Dale, Lil Bad Wolf, Scamp, Bucky Bug, Grandma Duck, Brer Rabbit, Winnie the Pooh, and others.

Walt Disney’s Comics and Stories has been the longest running Disney-based comic book in history, making it their flagship title. After reaching its 600th issue, it converted to prestige format and remains that way today.

Publication History * Dell Comics (1940-1962) #1-264
* Gold Key Comics (1962-84) #265-510 (#474-510 under the “Whitman” name)
* Gladstone Publishing (1986-1990) #511-547
* Disney Comics (1990-1993) #548-585
* Gladstone Publishing (1993-1998) #586-633
* Gemstone Publishing (June, 2003-Present) #634-

Walt Disney’s Comics and Stories #1-3, 5, 8-10, 12-13, 15-20, 22-39, 41, 43-44 & 46-58

Walt Disney’s Comics and Stories 60 to 655 – 95,7 MB bundles

Those issues maybe in the bundles but i upload a bad version for them. I am really sorry for this you have to re-download the following:

Walt Disney’s Comics and Stories #656-to-662, 666-to-669, 677, 679,680 &681
