thorgal has reported a post.
Forum: ABD Çizgi Romanı (Comics)
Assigned Moderators: ertuğrul, Mehmet Ali, Colinmccay, uzung, büyük beyaz, sarkomer, profesör, The_DarknesS, Gulyabani, kudretsabancı, yeryüzü
Posted by: ert1569
Original Content:
Post: Whore (2012) (Graphic Novel)The file you are trying to download is no longer available. Uyarısı veriyor.
Forum: ABD Çizgi Romanı (Comics)
Assigned Moderators: ertuğrul, Mehmet Ali, Colinmccay, uzung, büyük beyaz, sarkomer, profesör, The_DarknesS, Gulyabani, kudretsabancı, yeryüzü
Posted by: ert1569
Original Content:
Jacob Mars would probably put a bullet in your head if you called him a ‘whore’, but in simple terms, that’s what he is. After getting downsized from the CIA, he takes any job he can to pay his debts and alimony. He isn’t a bad guy by nature, but out of necessity. He has to live a life where things don’t matter, and long as he gets paid. His motto, simply stated: ‘Every man has his price.’
Language : English | Year : 2012 | Size : 150 MB
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