Merhaba, türk çizgi roman ilgilenen Amerikalı!


Yeni Üye
11 Ocak 2013
Santa Fe, New Mexico USA
Ben size çok İngilizce konuşmak emin değilim? Ben bir online sözlüğe böylece Türk langauge benim imha bağışlayın lütfen kullanıyorum. Ben Amerikan süper kahraman Türk çizgi roman ile ilgilenen bir Amerikalı koleksiyoncu değilim. Bu mantıklı mı?

Burada benim yabancı çizgi sayfasına link bakın .... Bu sana ne iyi bir anlayış verecektir. Teşekkürler!

in english.....

I am not sure how many of you speak english? I am using a online translator so please excuse my destruction of the TUrkish langauge. I am a American collector interested in Turkish comics of american superheroes. Does that make sense?

PLease see a link to my foreign comic page here.... this will give you a good understanding of what I do. Thank you!


Yeni Üye
11 Ocak 2013
Santa Fe, New Mexico USA
Oh my the translator really messed up what I was trying to say! Hopefully someone will know english.... I am not a Turkish American! LOL I am a Anerican interested in Turkish comics containing American superheroes..... THanks!


7 May 2009
Wellcome. We are so happy for your visit. I checked your page and i like it. Members of, loves all comic books (super heroes too). I hope You will love cizgi diyari :). .
Son düzenleme:


Süper Üye
23 Kas 2009


Yeni Üye
11 Ocak 2013
Santa Fe, New Mexico USA
Correct me if I wrong , You want American superheroes comic books published in Turkey like this

Yes exactly! I collect American superheroes comics from all over the world. I have contacts in many countries.... but in all honesty the Turkish comic book market has been very very tough to get into.

There is the occasional Turkish seller on American Ebay but it seems most Turkish comics stuff is sold off of

The problem is langauge and difficulty.... I cant seem to create an account or even navigate thru this auction house correctly. Shoot, even navigating this forum has been a challenege.

Now don't get me wrong, I am not just here to try to purchase books.... I also want to learn about the Turkish comic book market.... and any knowledge I can. I enjoy learning about the cultural phenomenon of American superheroes in foreign cultures.... I have great respect for the foreign licensed material from all countries. Me and some similar like-minded americans are a anomoly in America. Most american collectors could care less about foreign comics. That however is changing interestingly enough..... awareness is changing and new respect is being given comic books from foreign countries.

I also enjoy having contacts and friends from all over the world.

Maybe there are questions about American culture or American comic related stuff you guys would like to know. Feel free to ask me anything my Turkish friends.... and excuse me If I have made any cultural offends. I know not what I do..... :S

Eğer arkadaşlar teşekkürler


Süper Üye
23 Kas 2009
Yes exactly! I collect American superheroes comics from all over the world. I have contacts in many countries.... but in all honesty the Turkish comic book market has been very very tough to get into.

There is the occasional Turkish seller on American Ebay but it seems most Turkish comics stuff is sold off of

The problem is langauge and difficulty.... I cant seem to create an account or even navigate thru this auction house correctly. Shoot, even navigating this forum has been a challenege.

Now don't get me wrong, I am not just here to try to purchase books.... I also want to learn about the Turkish comic book market.... and any knowledge I can. I enjoy learning about the cultural phenomenon of American superheroes in foreign cultures.... I have great respect for the foreign licensed material from all countries. Me and some similar like-minded americans are a anomoly in America. Most american collectors could care less about foreign comics. That however is changing interestingly enough..... awareness is changing and new respect is being given comic books from foreign countries.

I also enjoy having contacts and friends from all over the world.

Maybe there are questions about American culture or American comic related stuff you guys would like to know. Feel free to ask me anything my Turkish friends.... and excuse me If I have made any cultural offends. I know not what I do..... :S

Eğer arkadaşlar teşekkürler

Now I understand :D . Actually in this forum we are sharing digital copies of old comic books . You can't find comic books for purchasing , even I can't find old comic books easily :) . For example this book , the publisher of this book bankrupted ten years ago , you can only find this kind of books in Antiquarian by chance. That is the reason of this forums establishing. I can't help you for purchase , because I don't know how can you buy from America but we can talk about American comic books.

Perhaps I can inform you about Turkish comic book market . Unfortunately number of comic book readers are not too much . In book stores you can find only one or two shelf for comic books. We have really many different preferences in comic books. Many comic book readers like Itallian style and turkish style comic books , some peoples prefer Japanese mangas and of course so many peoples like American comic books (I like all kind of comic books :D). Publishing American comic books worsen every year In Turkey. Usually trade paper back format comic books translating in turkish . Nowadays only five years agos Marvel books and some classic books like watchmen and sandman are selling in bookstores. Publishers say DC's copyrights are so expensive (I am a huge DC fan :( ). So sadly comic book interest decresing in Turkey but we are trying increase interest in this forum.This forum is our communication path , we make promotion for new published comic books , inform each other about heroes and stories and recomend comic books for buying . You can't find high quality Turkish web page about comic books outside of this place :D . If you have any question just ask , we can try to help you and you can always talk about comic books , I'd appreciate it :D

Sorry for language mistakes :d


Yeni Üye
11 Ocak 2013
Santa Fe, New Mexico USA

Now I understand :D . Actually in this forum we are sharing digital copies of old comic books . You can't find comic books for purchasing , even I can't find old comic books easily :) . For example this book , the publisher of this book bankrupted ten years ago , you can only find this kind of books in Antiquarian by chance. That is the reason of this forums establishing. I can't help you for purchase , because I don't know how can you buy from America but we can talk about American comic books.

Perhaps I can inform you about Turkish comic book market . Unfortunately number of comic book readers are not too much . In book stores you can find only one or two shelf for comic books. We have really many different preferences in comic books. Many comic book readers like Itallian style and turkish style comic books , some peoples prefer Japanese mangas and of course so many peoples like American comic books (I like all kind of comic books :D). Publishing American comic books worsen every year In Turkey. Usually trade paper back format comic books translating in turkish . Nowadays only five years agos Marvel books and some classic books like watchmen and sandman are selling in bookstores. Publishers say DC's copyrights are so expensive (I am a huge DC fan :( ). So sadly comic book interest decresing in Turkey but we are trying increase interest in this forum.This forum is our communication path , we make promotion for new published comic books , inform each other about heroes and stories and recomend comic books for buying . You can't find high quality Turkish web page about comic books outside of this place :D . If you have any question just ask , we can try to help you and you can always talk about comic books , I'd appreciate it :D

Sorry for language mistakes :d

Hey man no problem, your english is very good actually! Im quite saddened at your statement about comics interest slowly being on a downturn. That sucks….. :( You would think with the many new comic book based movies that America has produced that many young Turks would gain some interest from the movies? DO you guys get the movies in local theaters?

I also realize now that you guys are sharing .cbrs and stuff…. That’s cool, if you can’t find the local material how else are you able to do it? Your forced to use scans……

So are there comic shops in Ankara or Instanbul? There has to be a place to purchase comics outside of book stores for the culture to survive…. There needs to be a place for comics lovers to congregate… your website is a great virtual representation of this! But I guess if they are not really being produced en-mass comic shops would be kinda irrelevant. I am happy to hear that more recent American material is being produced and allowed to flourish there. So DC licensing is expensive uh? Interesting….. seems like the market is ready for another publisher to get some action? Image maybe? Or Marvel to really push some of their top tier characters……

It also is so sad the older Turkish comics cannot be found easily. ….

So tell me this? You guys have a database where you can find Turkish scans right? Id love to use it for research… where on the site is this? Thanks!!!!!!!!

Also what auction websites, if any can you Turkish comics? Thanks again! :)


Süper Üye
23 Kas 2009
Hey man no problem, your english is very good actually! Im quite saddened at your statement about comics interest slowly being on a downturn. That sucks….. :( You would think with the many new comic book based movies that America has produced that many young Turks would gain some interest from the movies? DO you guys get the movies in local theaters?

Hi, good to see you again :). Movie is a different stuff . Yes comic based movies coming to local theaters and make good profit but it doesn't influence comic books maybe young generation doesn't like reading

I also realize now that you guys are sharing .cbrs and stuff…. That’s cool, if you can’t find the local material how else are you able to do it? Your forced to use scans……

Our members scaned these stuffs. Many members have really good archives and they are gentle persons to share their collections , you know they can sell books for high price . This Website is actually a large change-exchange web , many people complete their collection with digital copies. You have to understand , it's only way increasing interest .

So are there comic shops in Ankara or Instanbul? There has to be a place to purchase comics outside of book stores for the culture to survive…. There needs to be a place for comics lovers to congregate… your website is a great virtual representation of this! But I guess if they are not really being produced en-mass comic shops would be kinda irrelevant. I am happy to hear that more recent American material is being produced and allowed to flourish there. So DC licensing is expensive uh? Interesting….. seems like the market is ready for another publisher to get some action? Image maybe? Or
Marvel to really push some of their top tier characters……

Comic book stores exist in Istanbul but I said before We have different preferences , Italian style has biggest share in market. Our old generation usually prefers Italian style and young generation doesn't read comic books. Usually mid generation (20-35) prefers American comic books . Published materials isn't enough .About Image comics it's good question . I think Publishers play safe , you know Marvel is really good at marketing , Marvel heroes are more recognizable (thanks to movies) , publishing Image comics is risky for profit.

It also is so sad the older Turkish comics cannot be found easily. ….

So tell me this? You guys have a database where you can find Turkish scans right? Id love to use it for research… where on the site is this? Thanks!!!!!!!!

Also what auction websites, if any can you Turkish comics? Thanks again! :)

I really don't know any auction websites for comic book maybe other friends can answer .

For turkish scans check this links: - Superman list published by a old publisher - another Superman list published by different publisher . It's really a shame this publisher bankrupt - Superman list, you can find 90's stories in this list - Spiderman list - Spiderman list , you find 90's Spiderman stories - Batman knightfall saga - some irregular Batman list - irregular Ironman list - Mandrake the magician - Phantom list
